
The GitHub repository "Fast-Api-Crud" is a package that provides a simple to advanced and fast implementation of CRUD operations a modern, fast, web framework with Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

About FastApiCrud

It provides basic to advanced CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality for a given model.



composer require anil/fast-api-crud

Child Constructor method

  • $model: The name of the model that this controller is responsible for.
  • $storeRequest: The name of the request class to use when storing data.
  • $updateRequest: The name of the request class to use when updating data.
  • $resource: The name of the resource class to use when returning data.

This package has auto-discovery for laravel 6 and higher and for below you can add this in your providers array

    'providers' => [

This package is build on Top of Spatie role and permission Register in Kernel.php if you want to apply permission as well

// Laravel 9 uses $routeMiddleware = [
//protected $routeMiddleware = [
// Laravel 10+ uses $middlewareAliases = [
protected $middlewareAliases = [
// ...
'role' => \Spatie\Permission\Middlewares\RoleMiddleware::class,
'permission' => \Spatie\Permission\Middlewares\PermissionMiddleware::class,
'role_or_permission' => \Spatie\Permission\Middlewares\RoleOrPermissionMiddleware::class,



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Anil\FastApiCrud\Controller\CrudBaseController;
use App\Http\Requests\StorePostRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\UpdatePostRequest;
use App\Http\Resources\Post\PostResource;
use App\Models\Post;

class PostControllerCrud extends CrudBaseController
    public function __construct()
            model: Post::class,
            storeRequest: StorePostRequest::class,
            updateRequest: UpdatePostRequest::class,
            resource: PostResource::class

The class has several protected properties that can be overridden in child classes:

  • $scopes: An array of scopes to apply when fetching all records.
  • $scopeWithValue: An array of scoped values to apply when fetching all records.
  • $loadScopes: An array of scopes to apply when fetching a record.
  • $loadScopeWithValue: An array of scoped values to apply when fetching a record.
  • $withAll: An array of relationships to eager load when fetching all records.
  • $withCount: An array of relationships to count when fetching all records.
  • $withAggregate: An array of aggregate functions to apply when fetching all records.
  • $loadAll: An array of relationships to eager load when fetching a single record.
  • $loadCount: An array of relationships to count when fetching a single record.
  • $loadAggregate: An array of aggregate functions to apply when fetching a single record.
  • $isApi: A boolean indicating whether the controller is being used as an API or not.
  • $forceDelete: A boolean indicating whether to perform a soft delete or a hard delete.
  • $applyPermission: A boolean indicating whether to apply permission or not.
  • $deleteScopes: An array of scopes to apply when deleting a record.
  • $deleteScopeWithValue: An array of scoped values to apply when deleting a record.
  • $changeStatusScopes: An array of scopes to apply when changing status of a record.
  • $changeStatusScopeWithValue: An array of scoped values to apply when changing status of a record.
  • $restoreScopes: An array of scopes to apply when restoring a record.
  • $restoreScopeWithValue: An array of scoped values to apply when restoring a record.
  • $updateScopes: An array of scopes to apply when updating a record.
  • $updateScopeWithValue: An array of scoped values to apply when updating a record.

The class has several methods that correspond to basic CRUD operations:

  • index() - Return Collection of all records.
  • store() - Create a new record.
  • show($id) - Return a single record.
  • destroy($id) Delete a record.
  • delete() - Bulk delete records.
  • changeStatusOtherColumn($id,$column) - Change specific $column value between 0 and 1 provided from child class
  • update($id) - Update a record.
  • changeStatus($id) - Change status column value of a record between 0 and 1.
  • restoreTrashed($id) - Restore a soft deleted record.
  • restoreAllTrashed() - Restore all soft deleted records.
  • forceDeleteTrashed($id) - Hard delete a soft deleted record.

There are also two helper methods, error() and success(), that return a JSON response with a message and data. These are used to standardize error and success responses across the controller.

for example

Route::controller(PostController::class)->prefix('posts')->group(function () {
    Route::get('', 'index');
    Route::post('', 'store');
    Route::post('delete', 'delete');
    Route::post('restore-all-trashed', 'restoreAllTrashed');
    Route::post('force-delete-trashed', 'forceDeleteTrashed');
    Route::get('{id}', 'show');
    Route::put('{id}', 'update');
    Route::put('{id}/status-change/{column}', 'changeStatusOtherColumn'); //specific columns change value from 0 to 1 and vice versa
    Route::put('{id}/status-change', 'changeStatus');//default status column from 0 to 1 and vice versa
    Route::put('{id}/restore-trash', 'restoreTrashed');

    Route::delete('{id}', 'destroy');

This package has also featured for making service ,action,trait file also

After installation, the command php artisan make:service {name} {--N|noContract} will be available.

Create services files

For example, the command php artisan make:service createUser will generate a service file called CreateUserService.php located in app/Services/CreateUser.

It will also generate an interface (contract) called CreateUserContract.php located in app/Services/Contracts.

Create services for models

Adding a --service or -S option is now available when creating a model.

For example, the command php artisan make:model Post --service or php artisan make:model Post -S will generate a model with service too.

The command php artisan make:model Post --all or php artisan make:model Post -a will now generate a model, migration, factory, seeder, policy, controller, form requests and service.


Adding a --noContract or -N option will prevent the commands from implementing any contract and will not create any contract file.

If you never need any contracts. Publish the config file and then turn the with_interface value to false in the config file.