Printf function project performed by Angela Vergara & Juan Bocanegra.
_printf is an emulation of the original printf that refers to a control parameter used by a class of functions in the input/output libraries of C.
A string is written, characters are usually copied literally into the function's output, but format specifier, which starts with a %
character, indicate the location and method to translate a piece of data to characters or modifiers, starting with \
character, indicates inline modifiers such as tab or newline.
- Files should be compiled with gcc 4.8.4
- No more than 5 functions per file
- Files should end with a new line
- No global variables allowed
This project contains four C files, a header, and a man-page with all functions, prototypes, and descriptions you need to play with this version.
C files
_printf : This function evaluates the string input characters one by one looking for matching characters with de modifiers % and / to call a function for each case if there is no coincidence just prints all strings without modifications.
*_printspecials : Search into a string of special modifiers to print the modifier (\n \t \b \f \v \r) or return the characters.
pbuffer : Function that prints and delete chars in buffer.
p_intmin : Prints integers longer or equal than Min and Max integer limits.
p_int : Evaluates if the number is longer than integer limits and calls p-intmin otherwise prints integers calling _itoa
_itoa : converts an integer number into a string
_printmod : Search into a structure of specifiers (%c, %s, %d, %i, %R, %,r %b, %o, %x, %X) a function to print a format input
p_char : Prints a char.
p_string : Prints strings.
p_reverse : Prints strings in reverse.
p_rot13 : Encodes a string using rot13.
p_binary : converts a number into binary
p_octal : converts a number into octal
p_hexalow : converts a number into hexdecimal lowercase
p_hexaup : converts a number into hexdecimal uppercase
holberton.h: This file contains prototypes for all the functions and the struct for data and function relation.
man_3_printf : Custom man page for _printf function.
To access the Man Page. man_3_printf
directly in a terminal, download the file and move it to the directory /usr/share/man/man1 where the system stores man pages for User shell commands.
You can view it by typing the following command: cd /usr/share/man/man1
Otherwise into the project directory by typing ./man_3_printf
- Please clone this repo into your sandbox or local terminal.
- Access to the directory and compile all C files with the command:
gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -std=gnu89 -Wno-format *.c - o _printf
( _printf is a suggested name, not mandatory) - Typing ./_printf shows all cases set in the
file. - For another test, please modify the main.c file considering the man-page description.
Example of main.c file:
#include <limits.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "holberton.h"
main - Entry point
Return: Always 0 */ int main(void) { int len; unsigned int ui; void *addr;
len = _printf("Let's try to printf a simple sentence.\n");
ui = (unsigned int)INT_MAX + 1024;
addr = (void *)0x7ffe637541f0;
_printf("Length:[%d, %i]\n", len, len);
_printf("Negative:[%d]\n", -762534);
_printf("Unsigned:[%u]\n", ui);
_printf("Unsigned octal:[%o]\n", ui);
_printf("Unsigned hexadecimal:[%x, %X]\n", ui, ui);
_printf("Character:[%c]\n", 'H');
_printf("String:[%s]\n", "I am a string !");
_printf("Address:[%p]\n", addr);
len = _printf("Percent:[%%]\n");
_printf("Len:[%d]\n", len);
return (0);
Expected results after compiling and executing:
Let's try to printf a simple sentence. Length:[39, 39] Negative:[-762534] Unsigned:[2147484671] Unsigned octal:[20000001777] Unsigned hexadecimal:[800003ff, 800003FF] Character:[H] String:[I am a string !] Address:[0x7ffe637541f0] Percent:[%] Len:[12] Unknown:[%r]
This project was thought to compile previous concepts such as Loops, Structures, Functions, and Variadic functions. For better understanding you can access the logic behind the program as follows:
The core function is int _printf(const char * const format, ...)
in the file _printf.c
This function evaluates the string input characters one by one looking for matching characters with de modifiers % and / if there is no coincidence just prints all strings without modifications.