
Solutions of LeetCode interview questions

Primary LanguageC++


Solutions of LeetCode interview questions

# Title Solution Difficulty Appeared in Interviews of
1 Two_Sum Python
Medium Airbnb , Facebook , Amazon , Microsoft , Apple ,
Yahoo , Dropbox , Bloomberg , Yelp , Adobe , LinkedIn
15 3Sum Python Medium Facebook , Google , Amazon , Microsoft , Boomberg , Adobe
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs C++
Medium Bloomberg , Microsoft , Uber
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal C++ Medium Microsoft
206 Reverse Linked List C++
Easy Amazon , Apple , Adobe , Bolomberg , Facebook , Microsoft, Snapchat , Twitter , Uber , Yahoo , Yelp , Zenefit
217 Contains Duplicate Python
Easy Palantir , Airbnb , Yahoo
219 Contains Duplicate II Python
Easy Palantir , Airbnb , Yahoo
237 Delete Node in a Linked List C++ Easy Apple , Adobe , Microsoft
258 Add Digits C++ Easy Microsoft , Adobe
344 Reverse String C++
Easy Not Appeared yet
724 Find Pivot Index C++ Python Easy Not Appeared yet
# Important codes you should know Solution Description
1 How to create Linked list nodes C++
Creating three nodes and printing them
2 Add a Node at the start Python Creating nodes and adding node at the start
3 How to delete Linked list nodes with the key C++ With O(n) and O(1) runtime functions
4 Bubble Sort with Recursion C++ With O(n)
5 Merge Sort with Recursion C++ O(n log n)
6 Stack Basics C++ Learn about LIFO