pre-requisites : Take the CentOs or RHEL Linux Server
         1. Install the git.
          sudo yum install -y git
        2.  Install the helm .
          curl -fsSL -o
          chmod 700
        3. Docker should be installed in the server.

step 1 : Down the code from git repository.
          git clone

step 2: Run the Build script to build docker image and push to docker repo.
         bash springboot/java-springboot/

step 3: Deploy mysql DB with helm chart code in the name space 'database'
        NOTE: run the below command in "CreateAT-Task"

        helm upgrade --install create-task-database mariadb -f mariadb/createat-mariadb.yaml

step 4: Deploy java springboot application in default namespace.
        NOTE: run the below command in "CreateAT-Task"

        helm upgrade --install create-task-java springboot -f springboot/create-task-java.yaml

How to Test the Application:
 1. Take the svc ip of java application.
    kubectl get svc 

 2. Access the application with ip and port with base url /api/v1

payload for post method: