
OpenID Connect Resource Server Authentication for Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


We’re archiving Anvil Connect and all related packages. This code is entirely MIT Licensed. You’re free to do with it what you want. That said, we are recommending against using it, due to the potential for security issues arising from unmaintained software. For more information, see the announcement at anvil.io.

OpenID Connect Resource Server Authentication

OpenID Connect Resource Server Authentication for Node.js


  • OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Usage (RFC 6750)
  • JWT Access Token Validation (Specification pending)
  • Issuer discovery (OpenID Connect Discovery)
  • Dynamic key rotation (OpenID Connect Core)
  • Multiple issuer support
  • Scope validation
  • Allow and deny access by "iss", "aud", and "sub" claims
  • OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection (RFC 7662)
  • Cookie Token Authentication (Specification pending)



We're still tidying up a few things. The package will be published to npm after testing and docs are complete.

$ npm install https://github.com/anvilresearch/oidc-rs.git


const ResourceServer = require('oidc-rs')


ResourceServer maintains a cache of provider metadata and JSON Web Keys for verifying signatures. Provider discovery and acquisition of keys takes place when a JWT access token is decoded. The provider metadata and JWK Set are cached in memory. Therefore no configuration is required.

let rs = new ResourceServer()

The provider cache can be serialized and persisted, then restored like so:

let providers = require('./providers.json')
ResourceServer.from({providers}).then(rs => /* ... */)

Global server authentication

const app = express()

Route specific configuration

app.get('/endpoint', rs.authenticate(options), (req, res, next) => {})

Middleware Options

No configuration is required in order to start using this middleware. All options are optional.

  realm: 'user',
  scopes: ['foo', 'bar'],
  allow: {
    issuers: ['https://forge.anvil.io'],
    audience: ['clientid1', 'clientid2'],
    subjects: ['userid1', 'userid2', 'useridn']
  deny: { // probably want to use either allow or deny, but not both
    issuers: ['https://forge.anvil.io'],
    audience: ['clientid1', 'clientid2'],
    subjects: ['userid1', 'userid2', 'useridn']
  handleErrors: false, // defaults to true
  tokenProperty: 'token',
  claimsProperty: 'claims'
  • realm – Value of "realm" parameter to use in WWW-Authenticate challenge header.
  • scopes – Array of scope values required to access this resource.
  • allow – Object with arrays of allowed issuers, audience and subjects.
  • deny – Object with arrays of restricted issuers, audience and subjects.
  • handleErrors – When set to false, error conditions will result in a call to next(), passing control to the application's error handling.
  • tokenProperty – Name of property on req to assign decoded JWT object. The property will not be set unless defined.
  • claimsProperty – name of property on req to assign verified JWT claims. Defaults to "claims".

Running tests


$ npm test

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2016 Anvil Research, Inc.