Java CI with Maven

selenium-java-ci Selenium Java

🥇 Introduction 🥇

This is a simple test framework I developed to demonstrate my experience in UI automated tests development.

It's being developed using Selenium, one of the most common UI test libraries currently, written in Java.

TestNG is a test framework being used to organize and execute the tests (using .xml file combined with annotations)

Maven is being used to manage dependencies, build and execute the tests using CLI

🧮 Structure & Components 🧮

  • commons: Contain classes that can be re-used across the pages and tests such as,, global constants, report configuration

  • pageObjects: Each class contains the actions to interact with elements of a specific page of the application, also include that contains all the page object initilization

  • pageUI: each class contain the locators of elements in a page of the application. Each page will have a respective class in pageObjects folder

  • tests: Each package contains test classes of a feature/module. Each test class can have multiple test cases of a function (e.g. Login)

  • resources: manage external files of the entire framework

⚛️ OOP application ⚛️

  • Inheritance: (extends)
    • All the page objects extend the which contains all common selenium built-in methods (that are optimized to reduce flakiness). These pages objects can re-use all the methods in the class (except the private ones)
    • All the test classes extends the which contains the methods to initialize and setup webdriver and quit the webdriver
    • The homepage contains the common elements of other pages such as top menu, footer, etc. Therefore, other page objects extend the HomePageObject to re-use the methods of this page (e.g. click top menu link)
  • Abstraction: (implements interfaces, extends abstract classes)
    • The methods of each page are implemented in the page object class. When using actions from a page object in the test class, we don't need to know how the actions are implemented, we only need to know what the actions do and what values we need to pass into the parameters. This abstraction simplifies the way test cases are developed and reduces the efforts of maintenance
    • The and the can be implemented as the abstract classes if there are any abstrat methods that need to be implemented from the children classes (page objects and test classes)
    • Future implementation: Define an interface with an abstract method to get driver. For each browser driver, create a class that implements the interface to get browser driver for each brower (chrome, firefox, safari, edge)
  • Encapsulation: (access modifier, getters, setters)
    • All the actions/methods of a page are defined in a page object class. To use the methods in a test, the page object needs to be instantiated and methods should be called through that object
    • In test classes, properties of an account need to be retrived via class. Account contains the properties of an account and getter and setter to access properties of this object.
  • Polymorphism: (overriding - run time, overloading - compile)
    • Overloading: In the class, there are more than 1 methods to click an element. Each method has same number of parameters with different data types, or different number of parameters
    • Overriding: Since the page objects extend the class, the page object can have a method with same name and parameters as parent class but with different way of implementation

▶️ design patterns ◀️

  • Page Object Pattern
  • Factory Pattern
  • Singleton Pattern

🔄 CI using Github Actions 🔄

A workflow has been set up on this repository using Github Actions to trigger the tests run whenever:

  • There is a commit to the 'main' branch
  • A pull request is created against the 'main' branch

The job with the following steps will be executed on a clean instance (latest ubuntu):

  • Checkout the repository
  • Setup Java 11
  • Install latest stable chrome
  • Execute the tests

🏃 How to run the tests? 🏃

  • Set up
    • Install Java 11 (or later)
    • Clone the github repo to your local
    • Make sure your local machine has the latest stable chrome version
  • Run test:
    • Right click on the file src/test/resources/testcases.xml and select Run As > TestNG Suite (make sure you have TestNG runner installed if you use Eclipse as IDE)
    • Or open terminal and cd to project folder. Run test using Maven command mvn clean test
    • Or pushing a change to the 'main' branch in a forked repo to trigger workflow

NOTE: Because the is a website just for practice purposes, the registered account would be expired after 20 minutes. Therefore, in order to run the successful login test, you need to replace the USER_ACCOUNT in class by a newly registerred account before running the test.

⬆️ Potential Improvements ⬆️

  • Log DONE
  • Extent Report
  • Selenium Grid
  • Selenium Grid with Docker
  • Implement exception class for better debuggability