
Preparation material and resources for the ML (including DL) and Quant Research interviews

Resources for Interview Preparation

Preparation material and resources for the ML (including DL) and Quant Research interviews

Topics [ML-Standard]

Topics [Maths/Probs/Stats]

Topics [DL]

Topics [Development/Python]

  • Python call by value or reference? [1] [2] [3] [4]
  • How does Python work? Interpreter vs Compiler? [1] [2]
  • Memory Management in Python: [1]
  • Dictionaries Implementation in Python: [1]
  • OOP in Python: [1]

System Design

Additional Resources

Old [Archive]

Data Structures and Algorithms

Basic Machine Learning


Deep Learning


ToDO: Add (i)Other networks like BiGRU etc-- find a summary article, (ii) VAEs/GANs, (iii) Word2VEc, and word representations, (iv) implementation of basic models of MNIST/CIFAR-10 models using python for NNs and CNNs, char-rnn models for LSTM, RL playing game model, (v) batch norm

unsorted links:

  1. charrnn: http://karpathy.github.io/2015/05/21/rnn-effectiveness/
  2. https://deepgenerativemodels.github.io/notes/vae/
  3. MS_Sharma links
  4. Really great Stats/ML: http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~cshalizi/uADA/12/
  5. Data Scientist Interview links: https://github.com/ml874/Cracking-the-Data-Science-Interview
  6. https://sebastianraschka.com/faq/docs/





  • Linear Algebra etc.

Comprehensive Topic List

DS/Algorithms: Recursion, DP, Strings, ... Statistics in Python: [Short-pyStats] [Long-pystats] [Coursera]

Cheat Sheets

  1. [Probability]
  2. [Linear Algebra]


[Importance and Motivation] [Phrases]