This project provides with some useful classes to formulate queries and compare different rankings over a Lucene index.
Tests have been carried out with Java 8, Lucene 8.1.1 and the NPL collection.
In order to make the setup process easier, a pom.xml was added, so importing it as a Maven project should be enough.
Indexes the documents into a Lucene index. The options available are:
- -index <path>: path where the index will be created
- -openmode <mode>: the mode can be
- create: create a whole new index
- append: add documents to an existing index
- create_or_append: create a new index if it does not exist, otherwise is the same as append
There are some variables specified in a file, located at src/main/resources/. The variables are:
- docs: top level folders or files to be indexed
- indexingmodel: language model to compare files with each other. Can be
- jm <lambda>: Jelinek-Mercer smoothing model
- dir <mu>: Dirichlet smooting model
- tfidf: no smoothing
This class is a simple version of IndexFiles from lucene-indexer, so if more complex options are required just download the original class from that other repository.
Evaluates the queries from the NPL collection over the index created. The queries and relevant documents are specified in the file.
- -indexin <path>: path of the index
- -search <model>: must be the same as the one specified to index with IndexNPL
- -cut <n>: compute the results only till position n of the ranking
- -metrica <metric>: which metric to compute. Can be
- P: precision
- R: recall
- MAP: average precision
- -top <m>: show only the first m documents from the ranking
- -queries <range>:
- <queryID>: evaluate the query with id queryID
- <queryID1-queryID2>: evaluate the queries in the range id queryID1-queryID2
- all: evalute all the queries
Finds the best smoothing parameter values for the language models, based on a train test. Then is applied to a test set. The queries and relevant documents are specified in the file.
- -indexin <path>: path of the index
- -cut <n>: compute the results only till position n of the ranking
- -metrica <metric>: which metric to compute. Can be
- P: precision
- R: recall
- MAP: average precision
- -evaljm <trainID1-trainID2> <testID1-testID2>: apply the Jelinek-Mercer smoothing and train with the queries with id trainID1-trainID2. Then apply the model with the best parameter value to the queries with id testID1-testID2
- -evaldir <trainID1-trainID2> <testID1-testID2>: apply the Dirichlet smoothing and train with the queries with id trainID1-trainID2. Then apply the model with the best parameter value to the queries with id testID1-testID2
- -outfile <path>: file to save the results over the test set
-evaljm and -evaldir are exclusive options
Computes a significance test over two models trained and tests by TrainingTestNPL.
- -results <results1> <results2>: files obtained with TrainingTestNPL over the same metric, training and test sets
- -test <alpha>: computes a t-test with a significance level equal to alpha
- -wilcoxon <alpha>: computes Wilcoxon test with a significance level equal to alpha
-test and -wilcoxon are exclusive options.
Allows to do real relevance feedback. The queries and relevant documents are specified in the file.
- -indexin <path>: path of the index
- -cut <n>: compute the results only till position n of the ranking
- -metrica <metric>: which metric to compute. Can be
- P: precision
- R: recall
- MAP: average precision
- -retmodel <model>: the options are the same as in the indexingmodel variable
- -query <queryID>: id of the query over the one relevance feedback is done
After the initial query is thrown, you will be able to expand or modify the query and evaluate it over the same relevant documents and retrieval model of the initial one.
Each class can be executed like an ordinary .java, but can be executed with Maven as well. To do so, run:
mvn package
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="<class_name>" -Dexec.args="<args>"
Notice that the first command will create .jar files, so the files could also be executed like
java -jar target/<class_name>-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar <args>