
The Rascal Assembler (and BASIC) Lab – Tools for experimenting with backends and assembler

Primary LanguageRascal

RAzL – The Rascal Assembler Lab


  • src/assembler – editor components and tools for universal assembler programming
  • src/assembler/z80 – an instantiation for the Z80 (editing works)
  • src/basic – editor components and tools for 8-bit BASIC (no generic implementation yet)
  • src/basic/zx81 – grammar, editor parts and "compiler" (to token stream / .p-file) for ZX81 BASIC (works, but hardly full-features)
  • src/basic/zxPresenter – a small presentation tool based on the zx81 basic implementation (works, but a bit clunky)
  • src/intermediate – editor components and tools for intermediate code representations
    • TAC language with three-address code
    • A virtual machine that can run TAC programs