LIRI Bot for Spotify API, OMDb API and Bands In Town API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


LIRI Bot that retrieves data from Spotify API, OMDb API and Bands In Town API

How to Run

This app runs API calls which require keys. The Spotify key is not included in this repo.
A .env file must be created in this format to run the spotify-related commands


This app runs with node.js. If you do not have node.js installed, it will not run. This app also utilizes five node modules as shown being imported below

require("dotenv").config(); //dot env reader
var Spotify = require("node-spotify-api"); //spotify package
var moment = require("moment"); //moment package
var axios = require("axios"); //axios
var fs = require("fs"); //file reader thing

To ensure node is working and the packages are installed run:

$ npm i dotenv
$ npm init -y
$ npm i node-spotify-api
$ npm i axios
$ npm i moment


This node.js bot takes four commands, three of which require a second argument.

Get spotify song data from the Spotify api

$ node liri spotify-this-song [SONG NAME] example spotify-this-song call

Get data about a band or artist concert coming up with the Bands In Town API

$ node liri concert-this [ARTIST OR BAND] example concert-this call

Get data about a movie with the OMDb API

$ node liri movie-this [MOVIE NAME] example movie-this call

Run a list of these commands in a random.txt file

The random.txt is formatted as follows

concert-this,"Imagine Dragons"

To run: $ node liri do-what-it-says example do-what-it-says call

Codeflow Organization

Liri reads the first input and runs the corresponding function with a switch case. Each command action uses it's own function to run. Except for do-what-it-says, the other cases require a second parameter which is read.

OMDB and Bands in Town ultilize axios to make the API call, while Spotify uses the Spotify node package.