
Silly rabbit, we all need cheatsheets and so do I. Fork and customize me!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tricks r 4 kidz Build Status

Silly rabbit, we all need cheatsheets and so do I. Fork and customize me!
An everything reference for stuff CS

How to contribute:

  • Make a local copy on your machine
    • Fork the repo by clicking the Fork button in the upper right corner of the github repo page right below the navbar.
    • Clone it to your machine by navigating to your forked copy on github and using git clone with your ssh or https link
  • Make your own additions and commit and push to your fork
  • Submit a pull request to the original repo you forked from by doing something I forgot how to do but google helps
  • Wait for approval and HOORAY!


  • Keep it to the basics. There are many guides and cheat sheets out there but they often include commands and tricks that are unnesscesary for beginners or understanding the fundimentals. If you want to make an advanced cheat cheat make sure it's labeled as advanced in the file name
  • Organize related cheat sheets in corresponding directories.
  • Mild swearing is allowed but be tasteful. Jokes and fuckery are allowed but remember, be tasteful and if the jokes make the documentation too confusing or side tracked don't add it.
  • USE MARKDOWN FILES AND SYNTAX (unless it's a code example file), NO .txt unless it really makes you happy.


  • Add templates and entire example files
  • Add algorithm and sort and searches guide
  • Add CSS reference sheet
  • Add JS reference sheet
  • Add top used library funtion guide for different languages