
ASCII animals in your terminal, for any occasion.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Loading indicator innovation. Enterprise loading solutions. Synergy. Animal Meetspace.

 .'"'.        ___,,,___        .'``. 
: (\  `."'"```         ```"'"-'  /) ;
 :  \                         `./  .'
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     `.   | . . /   \ . . |   .'     
       `-._\.'.(     ).'./_.-'       
           `\'  `._.'  '/'           
             `. --'-- .'             

Try it yourself:

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivolo/animals/master/examples/loading.sh | sh
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivolo/animals/master/examples/loading.py | python

Please contain your excitement.


It's one call, but its also one hell of a call.


Returns a random ASCII animal.

  • index (int) - give it the same number, get the same animal. we have around 600 animals.
  • offset (int) - space offset from the left
  • reverse (boolean) - reversed or not
  • maxheight (int) - the maximum height an animal to return
  • maxwidth (int) - the maximum width of the animal to return
  • terminal (boolean) - whether to return the animal with ANSI terminal codes that will erase the previous lines.


curl -s http://animals.ivolo.me/
     ^_              \  \                       
     \ \             {   \                      
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      \                         /// a  `~.      
      / /~~~~-, ,__.    ,      ///  __,,,,)     
      \/      \/    `~~~;   ,---~~-_`~=         
                       /   /                    
curl -s http://animals.ivolo.me/?index=130
                   |\___/|                      \\       
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                    )===(    =\Y_= /          \//        
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                  \       /         || |  // /`          
        jgs_/\_/\_/\_   _/_/\_/\_/\_((_|\((_//\_/\_/\_/\_

curl -s http://animals.ivolo.me/?index=130&offset=20&reverse=true
                           \\                      |/___\|                   
                          ||              |/_\|    (     )                   
                           //  .-""""-._,` a a)   =/     \=                  
                            //\          / =_Y\=    (===)                    
                             /    /       \`"`     \     /                   
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                              `/ //  | ||         /       \                  
                    _\/_\/_\/_\//_((\|_((_\/_\/_\/_/_   _\/_\/_\/_sgj        

Adding Animals

Pull requests are allowed, but subject to stringent code reviews. Add ascii animals to animals.txt

Code Review Lead:

                _,--.       ,--._   
                \  > `-"""-' <  /   
                 `-.         .-'    
                   / 'e___e` \      
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                  _\_  `='  _/_     
                 / /|`-._.-'|\ \    
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                  /   ]   [   \     
                  `--'     `--'     


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Animal credits to Heart n Soul.