
Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas notes. Notes are based on my stream on twitch and youtube.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas notes. Notes are based on my stream on twitch and Youtube.

Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas

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Day 1

Initiating ipython shell in terminal ipython

Initiating Jupyter notebook in terminal jupyter notebook

help(len) = len?

To get the source code len??

Both of this even works for the functions you have created.

Tab completion is awesome. len.<tab>

Tab completion is great in conjunction with from pandas import <tab> and import <tab> to list out the objects and libraries.

* with ? for wildcard matching. *warning? and str.*find*?

ctrl + u copy from beginning, ctrl + y paste

ctrl + p previous command in history, ctrl + r history command

ctrl + l clear, ctrl + d Exit

%paste paste without indentation problem

%run test.py run a .py file in the same folder, and functions of that file is now available in the shell, and you can call them.

%timeit for single line execution, and %%timeit for multiline codes.

%magic and %lsmagic to get a list of magic functions.

Everything you input is stored in In which is a list (Input number is index number) and Everything you output is stored in Out as a dictionary (Output number is Key).

For easy access to output use print(_), 1 underscore is the last one, 2 underscore as in print(__) for the 2nd last Out or output result.

Out[2] = _2

for not displaying an output end the statement with a semicolon. math.e;

%history -n 1-4 return history input, -n for index number, 1-4 for limiting the return statement.

Day 2

shell commands work in ipython by prefixing them with !, i.e. !ls

We can also assign variables to the output of this ipython shell commands i.e. files = !ls, which returns a special kind of list.

You can also use python variables as shell variables by using {varname} i.e. !echo {message}

You can cd by magic command %cd or simply cd. This works for every shell command.

%xmode limits the exception (/error) message. %xmode takes a single argument of the three, Plain(less information), Context(Default), and Verbose(More information). i.e. %xmode Plain.

python's standard debugger pdb, and ipython's is ipdb. We enter into debugging with %debug. Then start giving commands (print, type etc.) to check, and quit.

To run a file in debugging mode %run -d test.py

In the debugger help. help <specific command>.

%prun code profiler. Very important chapter to write efficient codes. here is the link to the chapter.

Resources and Book Recommendation

Day 3

The goal is to efficiently store and manage numerical arrays.

NumPy arrays are more efficient and versatile than python's list.

Dynamic languages such as python does not require explicit declaration of variable type, unlike statically typed languages such as java & C.

Integer in python contains 4 information, reference count for memory allocation, type of the variable, size for the data members, and digit for the integer value.

List is the standard multi element container in python.

Lists can contain heterogenous elements, which is handy but in a scenario where all the elements are same type the extra information each elements has to identify them is redundant. It would be more efficient to store this homogenous element set to a fixed-type array which a numpy array.

The built-in array module provides an solution for dense arrays of a uniform type.

import array
l = list(range(5))
a = array.array('i', l) # array('i', [0,1,2,3,4])

'i' here declare the type of the array. If we put "f" it would have been a array containing float elements.

But NumPy's ndarray is better than what python's array module has to offer.

import numpy as np
np.array([1,54,123,123]) # array([1,54,123,123])

NumPy array's contain the same type of element, unlike python's list that may have different types of elements.

# To declare the data type of the array
np.array([1,2,4,5,9], dtype=float32) # array([1,2,4,5,9], dtype=float32)

For multidimensional array np.array([[1,2], [2,3]]) or np.array([range(0,4), range(1,5)]) or np.array([range(i, i+2) for i in [2, 4, 5]])

array([[2, 3],
       [4, 5],
       [5, 6]])

The inner lists are treated as rows.

Creating an array of zeros of length 5 np.zeros(5, dypte=int)

Creating a multidimensional floating point array which is 3X5 (RC = Row, Column) on 1.s (. for floating numbers) np.ones((3, 5), dtype=float)

Creating or filling an array with a specific number. np.full((3, 5), 7) fills a 3X5 array with 7s.

Day 4

Creating an array that utilizes a range function np.arange(0, 10, 2), this will create a one dimensional array similar to this list(range(0, 10, 2))

Creating array of evenly spaced numbers np.linspace(1, 10, 5) 1 is starting value, 10 is ending value & interval is (10-1)/(5-1). Output is [ 1., 3.25, 5.5, 7.75, 10.]

Creating a multidimensional 3X3 array filled with random values between 0, 1 np.random.random((3, 3))

Creating 3X3 array of normally distributed random values with mean 0, and SD 1 np.random.normal(0, 1 (3X3))

3X3 random integer array start at 0, ends at 10 np.random.randint(0, 10, (3X3))

3X3 identity matrix np.eye(3) returns the following below.

array([[1., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1.]])

Creating an uninitialized array of three integers. np.empty(3) returns array([1., 1., 1.])

To assign a datatype to the array give the keyword dtype='int16' or dtype=np.int16

Learn more about types of datatypes scroll down bottom

Day 5

Seeding ensure reproducibility when generating random numbers. np.random.seed(0)

np.random.randint(10, size- (3, 4)) created a random array which contains random integers from 0-10 in the size 3X4.

array.ndim return number of dimensions, as in one, two or three.

array.shape returns the shape of the array, as in number of rows, and columns

array.size returns the size of the array, as in number of elements in the array and which is the multiplication of shape output.

array.dtype returns the datatype of the array.

array.itemsize for size of each element in the array, array.nbytes for size of the entire array, which equal to itemsizeXsize.

Indexing an array is similar to standard indexing operation. For 2 dimensional arrays follow RC which is [Row, Column]. Negative index numbers will work also.

Values can be modified through indexing arry[0,2] = 12. As array contain uniform data type adding mismatched data type will be truncated (converted to match the array datatype).

Slicing is also possible with arrarys, x[<start>, <stop>, <step>]. Slicing examples >> x[::2] every other element, x[1::2] starts at index 1 then every other element, x[::-1] reverse, x[5::-1] starts at 5 then goes reverse.

Multidimensional subarrays(slicing) row and commas are seperated by commas. x[:2, :2] first 2 rows, and first 2 columns.

x[:3, ::2] first 3 rows, then every other column element.

x[::-1, ::-1] reverses the array.

To access a single row or column it can be done through :, so x[:, 0] first single column, x[2, :] third single row. Single row can be access by only giving the row number x[2]

Subarray as no copy views modifying a variable that assigned a subarray with modify the original array. This behavior is similar to python list's reference of values concept. Suppose x2 = x[:2, :2] modifying x2 will modify the original array of x.

To create a copy of the original when creating the subarrays and evade referencing, use x2_copy = x[:3, :4].copy()

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