NNtrainer is Software Framework for Training Neural Network Models on Devices.
NNtrainer is an Open Source Project. The aim of the NNtrainer is to develop Software Framework to train neural network model on embedded devices which has relatively limited resources. Rather than training the whole layers, NNtrainer trains only one or a few layers added after the feature extractor.
Even though it trains part of the neural network models, NNtrainer requires quite a lot of functionalities to train from common neural network frameworks. By implementing them, it is good enough to run several examples which can help to understand how it works. There are k-NN, Neural Network, Logistic Regression and Reinforcement Learning with CartPole in Applications directory and some of them use Mobilenet V2 with tensorflow-lite as a feature extractor. All of them tested on Galaxy S8 with Android and PC (Ubuntu 16.04).
- Sangjung Woo
- Wook Song
- Jaeyun Jung
- Hyoungjoo Ahn
- Parichay Kapoor
- Dongju Chae
- Gichan Jang
- Yongjoo Ahn
- Jihoon Lee
This component defines Layers which consist of Neural Network Model. Layers has own properties to be set.
Keyword | Layer Name | Description |
conv2d | Convolution 2D | Convolution 2-Dimentional Layer |
pooling2d | Pooling 2D | Pooling 2-Dimentional Layer. Support average / max / global average / global max pooing |
flatten | Flatten | Flatten Layer |
fully_connected | Fully Connected | Fully Connected Layer |
input | Input | Input Layer. This is not always requied. |
batch_normalization | Batch Normalization Layer | Batch Normalization Layer. |
loss layer | loss layer | hidden from users |
activation | activaiton layer | set by layer property |
NNTrainer Provides
Keyward | Optimizer Name | Description |
sgd | Stochastic Gradient Decent | - |
adam | Adaptive Moment Estimation | - |
NNTrainer provides
Keyward | Loss Name | Description |
mse | Mean squared Error | - |
cross | Cross Entropy - sigmoid | if activation last layer is sigmoid |
cross | Cross Entropy - softmax | if activation last layer is softmax |
NNTrainer provides
Keyward | Loss Name | Description |
tanh | tanh function | set as layer property |
sigmoid | sigmoid function | set as layer property |
relu | relu function | set as layer propery |
softmax | softmax function | set as layer propery |
weight_initializer | Weight Initialization | Xavier(Normal/Uniform), LeCun(Normal/Uniform), HE(Normal/Unifor) |
weight_regularizer | weight decay ( L2Norm only ) | needs set weight_regularizer_param & type |
learnig_rate_decay | learning rate decay | need to set step |
Tensor is responsible for the calculation of Layer. It executes the addition, division, multiplication, dot production, averaging of Data and so on. In order to accelerate the calculation speed, CBLAS (C-Basic Linear Algebra: CPU) and CUBLAS (CUDA: Basic Linear Algebra) for PC (Especially NVIDIA GPU) for some of the operation. Later, these calculations will be optimized. Currently we supports lazy calculation mode to reduce copy of tensors during calcuation.
Keyward | Description |
4D Tensor | B, C, H, W |
Add/sub/mul/div | - |
sum, average, argmax | - |
Dot, Transpose | - |
normalization, standardization | - |
save, read | - |
NNTrainer provides
Keyward | Loss Name | Description |
weight_initializer | Weight Initialization | Xavier(Normal/Uniform), LeCun(Normal/Uniform), HE(Normal/Unifor) |
weight_regularizer | weight decay ( L2Norm only ) | needs set weight_regularizer_constant & type |
learnig_rate_decay | learning rate decay | need to set step |
Currently we privde C APIs for Tizen. C++ API also provides soon.
This is demo application which enable user defined custom shortcut on galaxy watch.
This is example to train mnist dataset. It consists two convolution 2d layer, 2 pooling 2d layer, flatten layer and fully connected layer.
This is reinforcement learning example with cartpole game. It is using deepq alogrightm.
This is Transfer learning example with cifar 10 data set. TFlite is used for feature extractor and modify last layer (fully connected layer) of network.
This is for demonstrate c api for tizen. It is same transfer learing but written with tizen c api.
Deleted instead moved to a test
This is Transfer learning example with cifar 10 data set. TFlite is used for feature extractor and compared with KNN
This is simple logistic regression example using nntrainer.
The following dependencies are needed to compile / build / run.
- gcc/g++ (>= 4.9, std=c++14 is used)
- meson (>= 0.50.0)
- blas library (CBLAS) (for CPU Acceleration, libopenblas is used for now)
- cuda, cudart, cublas (should match the version) (GPU Acceleration on PC)
- tensorflow-lite (>= 1.4.0)
- libjsoncpp ( >= 0.6.0) (openAI Environment on PC)
- libcurl3 (>= 7.47) (openAI Environment on PC)
- libiniparser
- libgtest (for testing)
You can use docker image to easily set up and try building.
To run the docker
$ docker pull lunapocket/nntrainer-build-env:ubuntu-18.04
$ docker run --rm -it lunapocket/nntrainer-build-env:ubuntu-18.04
Inside docker...
$ cd /root/nntrainer
$ git pull # If you want to build with latest sources.
You can try build from now on without concerning about Prerequisites.
Download the source file by cloning the github repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/nnstreamer/nntrainer
After completing download the sources, you can find the several directories and files as below.
$ cd nntrainer
$ ls -1
$ git log --oneline
f1a3a05 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Add more badges
37032a1 Add Unit Test Cases for Neural Network Initialization
181a003 lower case for layer type.
1eb399b Update clang-format
87f1de7 Add Unit Test for Neural Network
cd5c36e Add Coverage Test badge for nntrainer
You can find the source code of the core library in nntrainer/src. In order to build them, use meson
$ meson build
The Meson build system
Version: 0.50.1
Source dir: /home/wook/Work/NNS/nntrainer
Build dir: /home/wook/Work/NNS/nntrainer/build
Build type: native build
Project name: nntrainer
Project version: 0.0.1
Native C compiler: cc (gcc 7.5.0 "cc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0")
Native C++ compiler: c++ (gcc 7.5.0 "c++ (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0")
Build machine cpu family: x86_64
Build machine cpu: x86_64
Build targets in project: 11
Found ninja-1.8.2 at /usr/bin/ninja
$ ninja -C build
ninja: Entering directory `build'
[41/41] Linking target test/unittest/unittest_nntrainer_internal.
After completion of the build, the shared library, 'libnntrainer.so' and the static library, 'libnntrainer.a' will be placed in build/nntrainer.
$ ls build/nntrainer -1
In order to install them with related header files to your system, use the 'install' sub-command.
$ ninja -C build install
Then, you will find the libnntrainer.so and related .h files in /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include directories.
By default, the command ```ninja -C build`` generates the five example application binaries (Classification, k-NN, LogisticRegression, ReinforcementLearning, and Training) you could try in build/Applications. For 'Training' as an example case,
$ ls build/Applications/Training/jni/ -1
In order to run such example binaries, Tensorflow-lite is a prerequisite. If you are trying to run on the Android, it will automatically download tensorflow (1.9.0) and compile as static library. Otherwise, you need to install it by yourself.
- Unittest
Meson build
set to true
$ echo $(pwd)
(project root)
$ meson build -Denable-test=true
The Meson build system
Version: 0.54.3
Configuring capi-nntrainer.pc using configuration
Run-time dependency GTest found: YES (building self)
Build targets in project: 17
Found ninja-1.10.0.git.kitware.jobserver-1 at /home/jlee/.local/bin/ninja
$ ninja -C build test
[79/79] Running all tests.
1/12 unittest_tizen_capi OK 8.86s
2/12 unittest_tizen_capi_layer OK 0.05s
3/12 unittest_tizen_capi_optimizer OK 0.01s
4/12 unittest_tizen_capi_dataset OK 0.03s
5/12 unittest_nntrainer_activations OK 0.03s
6/12 unittest_nntrainer_internal OK 0.23s
7/12 unittest_nntrainer_layers OK 0.22s
8/12 unittest_nntrainer_lazy_tensor OK 0.04s
9/12 unittest_nntrainer_tensor OK 0.04s
10/12 unittest_util_func OK 0.05s
11/12 unittest_databuffer_file OK 0.12s
12/12 unittest_nntrainer_modelfile OK 2.22s
Ok: 12
Expected Fail: 0
Fail: 0
Unexpected Pass: 0
Skipped: 0
Timeout: 0
if you want to run particular test
$ meson -C build test $(test name)
- Sample app test NNTrainer provides extensive sample app running test.
Meson build with enable-app
set to true
$ echo $(pwd)
(project root)
$ meson build -Denable-app=true
The Meson build system
Version: 0.54.3
Configuring capi-nntrainer.pc using configuration
Run-time dependency GTest found: YES (building self)
Build targets in project: 17
Found ninja-1.10.0.git.kitware.jobserver-1 at /home/jlee/.local/bin/ninja
$ ninja -C build test
1/21 app_classification OK 3.59s
2/21 app_classification_func OK 42.77s
3/21 app_knn OK 4.81s
4/21 app_logistic OK 14.11s
5/21 app_DeepQ OK 30.30s
6/21 app_training OK 38.36s
7/21 app_classification_capi_ini OK 32.65s
8/21 app_classification_capi_file OK 32.04s
9/21 app_classification_capi_func OK 29.13s
if you want to run particular example only
$ meson -C build test $(test name) #app_classification_capi_func
After build, run with following arguments Make sure to put last '/' for the resources directory.
$./path/to/example ./path/to/settings.ini ./path/to/resource/directory/
To run the 'Training', for example, do as follows.
$ pwd
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./build/nntrainer ./build/Applications/Training/jni/nntrainer_training ./Applications/Training/res/Training.ini ./Applications/Training/res/
The nntrainer is an open source project released under the terms of the Apache License version 2.0.