This application is a grails example which can be deployed to anynines. The steps below have to be taken to get it up and running on the server.
$ grails war
Compiling 120 source files
Done creating WAR target/helloworld-0.1.war
It is recommended to use at least 512 MB of Ram for java and tomcat applications. The cf command-line tool provides the —path argument for specifying war files used for the deployment.
$ cf push —path target/helloworld-0.1.war
Name> grails
Instances> 1
1: 64M
2: 128M
3: 256M
4: 512M
5: 1G
6: 2G
Memory Limit> 4
Creating grails… OK
1: grails
2: none
Subdomain> grails
2: none
Binding to grails… OK
Create services for application?> n
Save configuration?> y
Saving to manifest.yml… OK
Uploading grails… OK
Starting grails… OK
-—> Downloaded app package (28M)
Installing java.
Downloading JDK…
Copying openjdk-1.7.0_21.tar.gz from the buildpack cache …
Unpacking JDK to .jdk
Downloading Tomcat: apache-tomcat-7.0.40.tar.gz
Downloading apache-tomcat-7.0.40.tar.gz from …
Unpacking Tomcat to .tomcat
Copying mysql-connector-java-5.1.12.jar from the buildpack cache …
Copying postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4.jar from the buildpack cache …
Copying auto-reconfiguration-0.6.6.jar from the buildpack cache …
-—> Uploading staged droplet (135M)
-—> Uploaded droplet
Checking grails…
Staging in progress…
Staging in progress…
0/1 instances: 1 starting
0/1 instances: 1 starting
0/1 instances: 1 starting
0/1 instances: 1 starting
0/1 instances: 1 starting
0/1 instances: 1 starting
1/1 instances: 1 running
$ cf apps
Getting applications in myspace… OK
name status usage url
grails running 1 × 512M