
Mewtwo Discord bot in Python. Expect messy code.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Mewtwo Bot

server-badge invite-badge secondary-invite-badge

Oh hello. Welcome to the repo for Mewtwo, my little bot written under Discord.py. This is still a HEAVY WIP, expect some heckin' messy code. Open a PR if you wanna fix some of the places that I inevitably fucked up in.

How to run the bot

Oh... I didn't expect that. You actually wanna run it, huh? Some emojis won't work, but that's fine I guess... Well, here's how to host it I guess

Cloning the repo

Just do a good ol git clone like so:

git clone https://github.com/sks316/mewtwo-bot.git

Installing dependencies

First of all, make sure you've got Python installed. If you don't, what the hell are you even doing here install Python first you idiot

Once you've installed Python or if you already had it installed like a good boy/girl, cd into the cloned directory and run the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install (hopefully) everything Mewtwo needs to run (i still have no idea why you want to self-host this piece of shit)

Config file

So we kinda sorta actually need to set up a config file first

Go to the directory containing mewtwo.py then make a new file called mewtwo_config.py. This will be our config file. Next (hopefully you've already done this), go to the Discord Developer Portal and create an application. Once done, go to Bot and hit the Add Bot button. Once done, you should be able to get your token! DO NOT SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE, IT WILL GIVE FULL ACCESS TO YOUR BOT.

Now open mewtwo_config.py in your favorite text editor and paste the following:

google_api_key = 'YOUR-API-KEY-HERE'
google_search_engine = 'YOUR-SEARCH-ENGINE-HERE'

Replace YOUR-TOKEN-HERE with your bot's token and YOUR-USER-ID-HERE with your User ID, not your bot's. If you want to use the Google and YouTube functions, you'll have to get and add a Google API key and a Google Custom Search ID. There are numerous tutorials online for this, I won't bother typing it here since this thing is already too fucking long

Running the bot

Finally, we run the bot. cd into the directory you cloned the repo to and run:

py mewtwo.py

Or, if you're using Linux:

python3 mewtwo.py

Since this is the Beta bot, the prefix is different from normal - The Beta bot's prefix is >!. This is not reflected in the help commands or statuses of the bot.