
Python library and CLI for Anything World API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Anything World Python Client

Python library and CLI for Anything World API.

To use this package you'll need to obtain a valid Anything World API key. Please, create an account in our website and then visit your profile page to get access to your API key.

Before sending your 3D models to be animated, please make sure to follow our guidelines on preparing your 3D model for success.

To understand better the underlying web requests called by this Python package, please check our API documentation.

For more information of what changed between versions, please check the CHANGELOG file.


pip install anything-world


First of all, create a new .env file with the right API key and URLs:


From Python

This library provides both synchronous and asynchronous implementations. The sync implementation is based on requests and tries to keep dependencies at minimum (i.e. no need to install asyncio nor aiohttp). However, if you use-case requires async calls, please follow the next section for its implementation.


from anything_world.sync_api import AWClient
from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Create a client to be able to query Anything World's API
client = AWClient()

# Search for 3D models of `cats`:
response = client.find('cats')

# Upload files from ./examples/cat folder to be animated
response = client.animate(

# Response has the model_id of the 3D model that our AI pipeline is currently animating
model_id = response["model_id"]

# Runs a long-polling loop, starting it only after 10 seconds and after that,
# checking every 5 secs if the API is done animating the model
model_data = client.get_animated_model(

# Check if our AI pipeline is done animating the model
is_finished = client.is_animation_done(model_id)
assert is_finished == True

# Gets all model data
model_data = client.get_model(model_id)

From CLI

All AWClient methods are exposed as commands of the anything CLI tool. Just call the anything tool and it will display a manual page of the available commands:


You can do exactly the same we did in Python before through the CLI:

anything find "cat"
anything animate ./examples/cat "some cat" "cat" --is_symmetric
anything get_animated_model <MODEL_ID> --verbose
anything get_model <MODEL_ID>

To know more about the parameters of a specific command, just run the command with no arguments to get a help message:

anything find

For more information about a command, please run the command with the --help suffix:

anything find --help


Installing from source

git clone git@github.com:anythingworld/anything-world-python.git
cd anything-world-python
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .


pytest -v -s

Releasing a new pip package

First bump the version in pyproject.toml and then:

rm -rf dist/*
python3 -m build
python3 -m twine upload dist/* --username __token__ --password <password>


This Python module has a MIT-style license, as found in the LICENSE file.

The cat model in examples/cat folder is from Google Poly (CC-BY 4.0) license.

The ASCII logo was generated by https://patorjk.com/software/taag/ using the original font fuzzy.flf by Juan Car (jc@juguete.quim.ucm.es).