
CLI util to clone a remote postgres db to your local

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Psqlbu is a command line util designed to connect to a remote postgres database, perform a backup and then restore the data to a local instance.


The restore function of this package drops the schema specified in the config file. This is by design so that the backup can be restored. Please take care when setting up the config.

Getting started

Download the latest version from the releases page to a dedicated directory.

Make the file executable with

chmod 755 psqlbu-v0.x.0-[darwin/linux]-[amd64/arm64]

It is recommended to change the name of the executable to allow for easier use later.

mv psqlbu-v0.x.0-[darwin/linux]-[amd64/arm64] psqlbu

Mac only

The executable is uncertified, so you will not be able to run it on mac without admin privileges. To set the tool in quarantine and then adding the executable to your trusted apps, you will need to run the following

xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine psqlbu
spctl --add psqlbu

Add the directory to your $PATH to allow the command to be run from anywhere.


The util requires a configuration file to be located in the same directory as the executable, followed by the location where the command was run. By default, it will search for main.yaml, but a different file can be specified (see Flags)

An example config can be found here


-config [fileName] - where file name is the name of the file without the .yaml extension. For example, to use the configuration in the file custom_config.yaml you should run

psqlbu -config custom_config


There are two run time arguments which allow the user to bypass either the backup or restore portion of the operation. These will override the config.

r or restore - will only run the restore portion if the operation. It will look for the most recent backup file in the backups directory

b or backup - will only run the backup portion of the operation.