
Data model and RESTful API for a concept bike share system

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CityBike Data Model & API

A data model and RESTful API for a concept bike share system. API supports:

  • RESTful resources for bikes, stations, and members.
  • Viewing the number of bikes at a station, seeing which bikes they are.
  • Viewing how many rides a member has taken, whether or not they're currently riding a bike, and enabling/disabling their ability to rent a bike.
  • Renting/returning bikes at different stations, viewing whether or not a bike is available, seeing which station they're docked at, and who the last rider was.
  • Getting the number of active trips, getting total trip counts by year.

Full API Documentation and demo: https://citybike-developers.herokuapp.com

The demo is currently seeded with data for 200 bikes, 1000 members, 10 stations, and 500 trips.


Installing dependencies

brew install npm
brew install postgresql

From within the root directory:

npm install
npm install --save-dev nodemon  //to autodetect server code changes

Database creation/initialization

Start up postgres:

psql postgres

or if that doesn't work, try:

pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start

In Postgres, create a local database:


Check the user associated with the bikeshare database:


Duplicate the example.env file and rename it to:


Replace the contents with your local database info.

Run migration & seed data

In terminal, from the root directory:

knex migrate:latest
knex seed:run

Running the app

npm run build
npm start

To run tests:

npm run test

Note: There's currently no separate DB/migration/seed file for testing, so running these tests will perform rollback/migrate/seed/rollback. You'll have to run migrations/seed the data for development.