
DokuWiki plugin to prevent brute force attacks by delaying them

Primary LanguagePHP


DokuWiki plugin to prevent brute force attacks by delaying them.

An IP address failing too many times to authenticate will be banned from the login form a configurable amount of time (10 minutes by default).

An email can be sent to a configurable email address when an IP has just been banned.


0.1 Functionnal plugin (well, it's blocking IP addresses at least)

0.2 Bugfix: @IP@ & @DOKUWIKIURL@ in mails now replaced
    Bugfix: No more email when a banned user is already banned and want to see again the login form
    Bugfix: Now a user is banned for his/her failed attempts, not for his/her viewing the login page

0.3 Plugin renaming

0.4 Bugfix: wrong comparison between times (thanks ayambit)
    Vars renaming according to the plugin name