
Issue with `equals` since 3.0.0 with `fast-deep-equal`

silverwind opened this issue · 3 comments

After upgrading from 2.0.0 to 3.0.1, various unit tests on memoized functions started to fail for me. I'm using fast-deep-equal as the comparison function, e.g.:

import fastDeepEqual from "fast-deep-equal";
import nanomemoize from "nano-memoize";

const memoFn = fn => nanomemoize(fn, {equals: fastDeepEqual});

I see the README mentions this specific issue with other modules but does not mention this module yet, so I thought I mention it.

@silverwind I believe this is fixed. Please confirms with v3.0.2.

Yes, thanks. My unit tests are working again with v3.0.2.