Submits prices to the nibiru decentralized oracle.
Feeder requires the following environment variables to run:
FEEDER_MNEMONIC="guard cream sadness conduct invite crumble clock pudding hole grit liar hotel maid produce squeeze return argue turtle know drive eight casino maze host"
EXCHANGE_SYMBOLS_MAP='{"bitfinex": {"ubtc:unusd": "tBTCUSD", "ueth:unusd": "tETHUSD", "uusd:unusd": "tUSTUSD"}}'
In order to be able to delegate the post pricing you need to set the env variable for the validator that delegated you the post pricing:
And from your validator node, you need to delegate responsibilites to the feeder address
nibid tx oracle set-feeder <feeder address> --from validator
Coingecko source allows to use paid api key to get more requests per minute. In order to configure it, you need to set env var:
DATASOURCE_CONFIG_MAP='{"coingecko": {"api_key": "0123456789"}}'
make build-feeder
make run
or to run as a daemon:
make docker-compose up -d price_feeder