Minimal configs and folders to start BEM project


› git clone git://
› cd project-stub
› make

This will install localy all project's dependencies from npm and starts local bem server under HTTP port 8080. So you could navigate to http://localhost:8080/desktop.bundles/index/index.html.

Alternative to use make, you could install all dependencies by your self. To do so type npm install from the top of your working copy. After that your could start server:

› bem server

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/desktop.bundles/index/index.html

NOTE: bem should be in your PATH environment variable. You could do this by adding this line to your user's .profile config:

exports PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH

BEM is abbreviation for Block-Element-Modifier. It's a way to write code which is easy to support and develop.

For more info about BEM metodology see