
A ROS-based localization system for self driving cars that use data from GNSS, IMU, and wheel speed sensor to estimate the car's position using Unscented Kalman Filter.

Primary LanguageC++

localization_system ROS package

This package is used to estimate a car's position in UTM coordinate (x,y) based on data from GNSS, IMU, and wheel speed sensor that is fused using Unscented Kalman Filter.


  1. Robot Operating System (ROS), this package is tested on ROS Kinetic and ROS Melodic.
  2. gps_common ROS package
  3. rviz_satellite ROS package (optional)
  4. mapviz ROS package (optional)


  1. Clone this package and add it to your catkin workspace.
  2. Run catkin_make or catkin build, depending on your workspace.


For general purposes, run this command on your terminal:

roslaunch localization_system ukf_localization_2d.launch

For a quick demo, run this command on your terminal:

roslaunch localization_system demo_ukf_localization.launch

Important Notes

  1. This package expects a sensor_msgs/Imu message in a topic called /imu for IMU data and a geometry_msgs/Twist message in a topic called /sensor_velocity for wheel speed sensor data.
  2. For GNSS message, you can set it in the gps_umd package in gps_common/src/utm_odometry_node.cpp. To be able to use this package, you have to change the published topic to /utm and set the subscribed topic depending on your GNSS topic.
  3. To activate a satellite-map in Rviz, check the AerialMapDisplay checkbox in the Rviz config settings.


This is an example of when you run the demo and activate the AerialMapDisplay. demo preview


Relative Localization

This package also contains relative_localization_2d node for estimating the car's position using relative localization method that only uses data from wheel speed sensor and IMU. To use this node, run:

roslaunch localization_system relative_localization_2d.launch

For a quick relative localization demo, run:

roslaunch localization_system demo_relative_localization.launch


You can also view the 2D visualization of the localization system using mapviz. This visualization uses google map plugin for mapviz created by Daniel Snider. You can find the complete documentation here.

In order to show the satellite map in mapviz, you have to install docker in your system, then run this command on your terminal:

sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 -d -t -v ~/mapproxy:/mapproxy danielsnider/mapproxy

To visualize UKF localization on mapviz, run:

roslaunch localization_system mapviz_ukf_localization_2d.launch

To visualize relative localization on mapviz, run:

roslaunch localization_system mapviz_relative_localization_2d.launch

Mapviz visualization preview: Mapviz preview