
Ansible Unicorn installation with RVM and multiple application support

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Unicorn/rbenv setup

This Ansible role installs a service for Unicorn, with rbenv and multiple application support


Expects rbenv to be installed system-wide

Role Variables

  • rbenv_root defaults to /usr/local/rbenv

  • rbenv_exe defaults to /usr/local/rbenv/bin/rbenv

  • rails_apps defaults to []

    Each rails_apps entry is a dict with the following options

    • name (eg my_app, required)

    • ruby_version (eg ruby-2.1.1, required)

    • env defaults to production

    • root defaults to /var/www/{{ name }}/current (Capistrano compatible)

    • config is used for db and secrets, defaults to {{ root }}/config if root is specified, otherwise to /var/www/{{ name }}/shared/config

    • db is a dict for generating a database.yml file, with options:

      • adapter defaults to postgresql
      • host defaults to localhost
      • database defaults to app name
      • username defaults to app name
      • password defaults to app name
      • pool defaults to 5
      • timeout defaults to 5000
    • secrets is a dict and all its keys are converted to secrets.yml

Example Playbook

The role could be included in a playbook as follows:

-hosts: application
    - role: unicorn-rbenv
        - { name: 'my_app1', ruby_version: 'ruby-1.9.3' }
        - { name: 'my_app2', ruby_version: 'ruby-2.1.1', root: '/var/test_apps/app2', env: staging }
        - name: 'my_app3'
          ruby_version: 'ruby-2.1.1'
            password: topsecret
            secret_key_base: SuperSecretHexString

If the init script is called without any config parameters, it will attempt to run the init command for all unicorn configurations listed in /etc/unicorn/*.conf

/etc/init.d/unicorn start # starts all unicorns

If you specify a particular config, it will only operate on that one

/etc/init.d/unicorn start my_app


This role does not deploy the actual application, it assumes that this will be done in another role or using a deployment tool such as Capistrano.

If you use this role to generate database.yml and secrets.yml, it is advised to store the keys in an ansible vault file
