
Smart contract suite for CounterFactual Vaults

Primary LanguageSolidityThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Counterfactual Vaults

Contract suite to faciliate counterfactual vault creation and management.


A CounterfactualVaultController is deployed for an EOA (0xA) funded with ETH.

ERC20/721 and Ether can be sent to any counterfactual addresses associated with this contract. These can be calculated using the function computeAddress(vaultId) where vaultId is a nonce of choice. This address is communicated out of bands to a counterparty.

Later, 0xA can sweep the funds received at these counterfactual addresses to a destination of their choice.

For example:

  1. 0xA calculates counterfactual address 0xA1 with vaultId = 1
  2. 0xA1 sends this address to counter party B (address 0xB)
  3. 0xB sends 100 USDC to 0xA1
  4. 0xA sweeps 0xA1 to a destination address 0xZ by calling executeVaultCalls(vaultId = 1, to = 0xZ, value = =0 data = [erc20 = usdc address, amount = 100])


This pattern does seem to introduce some level of ephemeral unlinkability similar to that gained in a16z's sneaky auction https://a16zcrypto.com/hidden-in-plain-sight-a-sneaky-solidity-implementation-of-a-sealed-bid-auction/

If the vaultId's are random enough, then it is hard to index sufficiently so that you can identify a transaction sent to a related CounterfactualVaultController address.

Under the hood

A minimal proxy factory is used to create (CREATE2) a CounterfactualWallet which is then swept for ERC20, ERC721 or Ether to a target address specifed. The contract is then destroyed within the same transaction.

An ERC20 transfer which usually costs 50k gas now costs 130k (:()


Inspired by PoolTogether's Lootbox (https://github.com/pooltogether/loot-box) and a16z's sneaky auction (https://a16zcrypto.com/hidden-in-plain-sight-a-sneaky-solidity-implementation-of-a-sealed-bid-auction/).


This project uses Foundry. See the book for instructions on how to install and use Foundry.


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