Launcher scripts for parallel jobs to be run on a cluster environment such as LSF, HTCondor, SLURM etc.
can be adapted to include the submission to these systems.
By default, the launcher emulates a cluster by sequentially launching the tasks in a tmux
terminal-multiplexer session.
contains the generic job description (e.g. simulation set-up and run definition).
This file needs to be adapted to the corresponding simulation case.
generates the task files for each of the input configuration cases.
Each configuration case has a unique task ID.
The corresponding input parameters are stored in task.<JOB-ID>.py
They are located in a newly created working directory under the WRKDIRBASE
named by the variable combination WRKDIR/SRCDIR+SUFFIX/
Each of the
files then calls the
script with its run
providing a corresponding particular set of keyword arguments passing the specific input parameters.
In the job submission to the cluster within
, the job arrays on the cluster
would launch a job with its corresponding task via the task script, each identifiable by the JOB-ID.
All output and error logs are stored under the working directory/Output/
The resulting data from the simulation should be written to the created directory under working directory/Data/
This should be configured within the
script (in the function
During execution of
on the cluster node, the Data
directory is conveniently stored
in the global variable outputpath
, while the current JOB-ID is accessible via the global variable it
One can/should make use of outputpath
and it
to create unique names for the output files to be created
by each simulation instance.
In the default case, the name of the tmux
session will be printed out to the terminal.
The session with all individual jobs can be accessed via tmux a -t <session-name>