Beam dynamics repository with cpymad
and MAD-X
configuration for running jupyter notebooks, locally inside a docker container or on
Launch an interactive binder instance here:
The published docker image is found here:
The docker container can be run on the command line via
JUPYTER_TOKEN=madx docker run -p 8888:8888 -e JUPYTER_TOKEN -e CHOWN_HOME=yes -e CHOWN_HOME_OPTS='-R' -v $HOME:/home/jovyan/home/ aoeftiger/docker-cpymad
sets the token (password) for entering the jupyter server-p 8888:8888
forwards the jupyter server port from inside the container to your outside system (change the first port to your liking)-v $HOME:/home/jovyan/home
binds your home directory to inside the docker container such that you can save and load notebooks.
Next you can open your browser and load the page https://localhost:8888/?token=madx to connect to the running jupyter lab server.
The docker container for this repository can be built locally by running on the command line
docker build -t aoeftiger/docker-cpymad .
If you face permission issues with accessing your home directory from within the container, you might want to provide your user ID and group ID explicitly to the container as a solution.
On linux, check your user and group IDs via the CLI command $ id
and use these values when running the container as above but with the additional arguments:
[...] --user root -e NB_UID=<your user id> -e NB_GID=<your group id> [...]
Add these comments before the mount instruction -v [...]
For further information, follow the guide on, see specifically the second point under "Some things to try".