
DEPRECATED: A server and client event package, events via ddp

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

DEPRECATING: No longer maintained


This package adds events over ddp, so you can emit and listen to events from client and server.

  var ddpEvents = new EventDDP('raix:push', Meteor.connection);

  ddpEvents.addListener('push', function(message) {
    // Got message
    // Use the notification api to display a nice native notification?

    // Setting userId here throws an error
    // userId: '',
    // This is an example of metadata
    appId: '2222',
    foo: 'bar'

  ddpEvents.emit('token', token);

On the server:

  var ddpEvents = new EventDDP('raix:push');

  // Added list of userId's - the selector is optional - if omitted then broadcast
  ddpEvents.matchEmit('push', {
    $and: [
      userId: ['fsDFf7fsfdfs'],
      appId: '2222',
      foo: 'bar'
  }, 'Hello');

  ddpEvents.addListener('token', function(client, token) {
    if (client.userId) {
        // check client.appId
        // check client.foo

How does this work?

This is a simple walkthrough the core features:


em = new EventDDP('test');

if (Meteor.isClient) {
  em.addListener('hello', function() {
    console.log('SERVER HI', _.toArray(arguments));

if (Meteor.isServer) {
  em.addListener('hello', function(/* client */) {
    console.log('HELLO', _.toArray(arguments));

Now emitting an event on the server or client will trigger the event listener eg.:

Browser console:

  // server --> HELLO [ { userId: null } ]

Notice that the first argument in the server listener is the client details.

We can set additional metadata on the client object if we want: (Browser console)

  em.setClient({ foo: 'bar' });
  // server --> HELLO [ { foo: 'bar', userId: null } ]

Note userId is set by the server

We can also emit events from the server: ($ meteor shell)

   // client --> SERVER HI []

We can also use the matchEmit to do a client specific emit: ($ meteor shell)

  // Match the client metadata
  em.matchEmit('hello', { foo: 'bar' });
  // client --> SERVER HI []

The matchEmit relies on the existing document matching in the MiniMongo package.

Example of how the matcher works, you might find it useful in other projects:

  // $ meteor add minimongo
  var match = new Minimongo.Matcher({ a: { $gt: 5 } });
  match.documentMatches({ a: 1 }); // { result: false }
  match.documentMatches({ a: 6 }); // { result: true }


  • Write the full api
  • Write complete test coverage

Kind regards Morten