
Terraform module for a load balanced ECS Service using the Fargate launch type

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Terraform module for a load balanced ECS Service using the Fargate launch type.

It will create the following:

  • Application Load Balancer in the subnets you specify:
    • alb_subnets_private if alb_internal = true
    • alb_subnets_public if alb_internal = false
  • ECS service
    • Belongs of the cluster specified by ecs_cluster_id
    • Creates tasks in the subnets specified in alb_subnets_private
    • According to the task definition & count that you specify
  • IAM roles & policies
  • Security groups

Note: The provisioning of the ECS task definition and ECR repository was extracted with version 3.*. Use the web-fargate-app module for similar functionality as previous versions


module "cool-module-name-here" {
  source  = "aoggz/fargate-service/aws"
  version = "3.0.0"

  resource_prefix                           = local.resource_prefix
  ecs_cluster_id                            = var.ecs_cluster_id
  ecs_task_definition_arn                   = module.ecs_task.task_definition_arn
  acm_certificate_domain                    = var.acm_certificate_domain
  log_retention_in_days                     = 30
  app_domain                                = var.app_domain              # must be a subdomain of the acm_certificate_domain
  route53_hosted_zone_id                    = var.hosted_zone_id          # Route 53 hosted zone id in which alias to load balancer
  task_count                                = var.app_instance_count      # Number of instances to run
  alb_internal                              = true
  alb_subnets_public                        = var.public_subnet_ids
  alb_subnets_private                       = var.private_subnet_ids
  alb_listener_default_action               = "redirect"                  # Note: if redirect is used, another lb_listener_rule must be created that forwards to the target group
  alb_listener_default_redirect_host        = var.redirect_host
  alb_listener_default_redirect_port        = "443"
  alb_listener_default_redirect_protocol    = "HTTPS"
  alb_listener_default_redirect_status_code = "HTTP_302"
  vpc_id                                    = var.vpc_id