
Dockerized ansible to run in on any system without dependencies

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Ansible Docker Container


Ansible is great tool for deployment, but one disadvantage is - "python and a lot of dependencies". In my "ideal world", I do not install a lot of dependencies from various programs on my working computer. This docker-ansible image was created to provide all needed dependencies inside the image and as a result ansible can be used from docker without additional dependencies on local computer.

Docker repository is located ghcr.io/aohorodnyk/ansible or aohorodnyk/ansible.

Build docker image with new version scheduled twice per week. Script pushes new image, only when new version of ansible is available.


The latest version of docker repository is located in latest tag. Every version has tag in the repository as 2.10.2. All patch, minor and major versions are tagged hierarchically, as an example:

  • We have the version 2.10.3
  • We have the version 2.10.4
  • We have the version 2.11.1
  • We have the version 2.11.2
  • Tag 2.10 contains the latest 2.10 version, in our example - 2.10.4
  • Tag 2.11 contains the latest 2.11 version, in our example - 2.11.2
  • Tag 2 contains the latest 2 version, in our example - 2.11.2


Running ansible playbook

$ docker run -v $(pwd):/playbook:ro -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:rw -ti ghcr.io/aohorodnyk/ansible:latest ansible-playbook -i inventory --vault-password-file=.vault_pass playbook.yml

Running ansible vault

$ docker run -v $(pwd):/playbook:rw -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:rw -ti ghcr.io/aohorodnyk/ansible:latest ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file=.vault_pass /playbook/secrets/secret.key


All contributions have to follow the CONTRIBUTING.md document If you have any questions/issues/feature requests do not hesitate to create a ticket.

Before contrbution, make sure that githook is configured for you and all your commits contain the correct issue tag.

Branch Name

Before you start the contribution, make sure that you are on the correct branch. Branch name should start from the issue number dash and short explanation with spaces replaced by underscores. Example:

  • 1-my_feature
  • 2-fix_bug
  • 234-my_important_pr

Git Hook

To configure the git hook, you need to simply run the command: git config core.hooksPath .githooks

It will configure the git hook to run the pre-commit script. Source code of the hook is in .githooks/prepare-commit-msg.