A lightweight middleware to sync your redux state across browser tabs
- 2
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- 0
broadcast-channel upgrade
#175 opened by lmhkkang - 7
Support react SSR like next-js
#18 opened by mustafa-alfar - 4
Configuration with redux-toolkit
#124 opened by michaelkoelle - 18
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- 0
Parent Tab Stops Working
#173 opened by Fosol - 9
- 0
Lighthouse audit fails with `no-unload-listeners`
#170 opened by alanayoub - 4
Feature Request: modify actions
#90 opened by rowrowrowrow - 0
Memory Leak on Azure
#167 opened by TubaBayraktutar - 16
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'BroadcastChannel': function (dispatch)
#53 opened by vincegerald - 21
- 1
How to stop/disable/pause syncing?
#156 opened by EvgenyOrekhov - 0
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Use with ConfigureStore()
#154 opened by seivad - 1
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Export critical variables
#133 opened by rowrowrowrow - 0
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redux persist "and" sync
#114 opened by UXDart - 0
immutable but only for parts of the state
#113 opened by UXDart - 2
Init tab with partial state
#108 opened by dylancrockett - 3
- 1
TypeScript typing wrong in returned store after wrapping reducers with withReduxStateSync()
#86 opened by karlshea - 4
Trying to keep tabs in sync with each other
#75 opened by alexdunham - 1
How does initMessageListener work?
#63 opened by moubry - 6
- 1
Sync is slow / laggy on Indexed DB
#69 opened by Kalhama - 1
getting warning "(node:3144) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: input is invalid type at Keccak.update (\node_modules\js-sha3\src\sha3.js:204:15)
#66 opened by asadfreelancer - 2
freezed action error
#62 opened by sayjeyhi - 0
Update dock
#45 opened by godested - 1
Error when receiving initial state, action coming as undefined when using withReduxStateSync
#52 opened by Hudison - 0
Need to create more test case
#8 opened by aohua - 4
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Security Hook In
#25 opened by Dev123213 - 1
Periodic errors on iOS
#20 opened by dartess - 2
Typescript support
#17 opened by amendezdev - 9
Documentation questions...
#11 opened by richb-hanover - 0
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[Issue] Prevent writing `LAST_ACTION` to localStorage unless predicate is true.
#14 opened by initFabian - 2
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No guard against bad data in local storage
#12 opened by riquier - 0
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add more description to readme
#1 opened by aohua