
Learning C and CPP

Primary LanguageC

CAndCPlusPlus in OOP && Data Structure Algorithm 👨‍💻

This repo contains practice, assignment and projects.

Assignments 📝

21 Oct - 26 Oct

  • Design with UML and Refactor Shapes to Classes in SOLID
  • Write a graph algorithm with DFS and Dijkstra

#### 07 Oct - 11 Oct

  • Write a Mutex function to run multi-core
  • Build Binary Tree that Find Height, Search and Delete leaf node.

30 Sep - 04 Oct

  • Build a CSV Parser in C++
  • Refactor (Diamond, Calculator, Convertor) to C++
  • Build a Linked List in C++

23 Sep - 27 Sep

  • Build a live application Database to perform CRuD

16 Sep - 20 Sep

  • Build an Word Encryption
  • Build a Linked List in C and C++,

09 Sep - 13 Sep

  • Build a Convertor from Hexadecimal - floating point - decimal - binary
  • Build a Simple Calculator with and without precedences, in decimal binary hexidecimal arithmetic

02 Sep - 06 Sep

  • Build a Diamond Formation
  • Build Operator with Arthemetic
  • initialize C and basic set up

Resources to research work 🤔

  • Write a code example on Tree Rotation and Promotion and AVL

  • Prepare for concurrency and concurrent programming with MulitThreads and Cores

  • Read up on Static_assert, Varadic Templates, Ranged Based For Loops, Initializer List, noexcept, override, move semantics, Lambda functions, unordered containers, Explicit default or delete generated functions

  • Write a code example on Strongly Typed Enums == static_cast (color::Red)

  • Write a code example on Smart Pointer using nullptr, Smart Contructs to manage memory

  • Write a code example of Vector, BEque, List, String, Set, Map, Stack, Queue, BitSet

  • Write a code example of Function Templating and TMP

  • Experiment: Generic Programming using blueprint template that generate codes

  • Experiment: Move Constructors and Move Assignments

  • Write a code example Operator and Function Overloading in Arithemtic

  • Experiment: Inheritance - Polymorphism - Run-time Type Identification (Static and Dynamic, typeid(e))

  • Experiment: build a Database using constructor and destructor with new and delete

  • Write a code example on Struct and Classes code comparison with Private and Public with Static Variable

  • Write a code example on Binary Tree with Pre, In, Post Order

  • Experiment: Memory allocation of byte using struct with different data type

  • Experiment: How Classes can replace struc

  • Write a code example on Struc, Enum, typedef and Union

  • Experiment: RAM usage for computation operation

  • Write a code example to calculate big O in merge bubble selection sort in recursion and loops and while loops

  • Write a code example for function pointer

  • Write a code example to compare const - char - array

  • Write a code example for pointer in array with arithmetic

  • Write a code example to explain Stack & Heap for Memory Allocation

  • Write a code example in Static Cast, using Malloc()

  • Write an code example to prove Pass By Value, Pass Argument by Reference

  • Experiment: Dynamic Memory Allocation with Malloc, Realloc, Calloc

  • Write an code example to handle (Memory) Address - De-referencing

  • Write an code example to Why When How to use a Pointer and the different types of pointers

  • Build Bubble, Selection, Insertion and Merge sort using nested For loops and Recursion and While

  • Write an example case of a Floating Point and 2's Complement

  • Write a case example of Scoping: global variable using static variable

  • Write a code example to do Pointers to hold an address for a memory (for int, char, float)

  • Experiment: Unsigned Int and Boolean

  • Experiment: Data Types with Memory Allocation

  • Write a code example in C code to calculate Big O

  • Experiment: Conditional statement with pre and post increment, taking Precedence & Associativity in consideration

  • Write a code example to compare Data type with modifier [int short char float double + unsigned(+-)/long(extension)] in x32/64 bytes

  • Write a code example for Bitwise operation in arithematic and its application

  • Build a virtual memory to allocate binary value with bits/byte, with Text Heap Stack in Memory Layout

  • Write up compilation process in C/C++ from High Level to Assembly to Binary

  • Build a PC with Hard/Solid state Memory + RAM + Cache + CPU -> CU + ACU + Registers, referencing to Computer Architecture & System