
FreeRADIUS server module for WHMCS

Primary LanguagePHP

WHMCS Freeradius

Gitter Stories in Ready Gratipay

Important note...

There have been recent untested changes and additions. Log an issue as needed or sponsor a WHMCS testing license / server, if you like.

I think this would be the legal/disclaimer stuff...

I have worked on this project for a very long time. In that time I have modified many versions of this module, made by others(for clients). In that process, some logic just worked better, so I adopted it. for example:

The date_range and freeradius_username functions are from the freeRADIUS module made by WHMCS, I think. I was previously using MySQL for the date ranges and returning errors on duplicate usernames. These just work better.

Please pull and fix or contribute


  • Create a folder called freeradius in WHMCSROOT/modules/servers/
  • Copy freeradius.php and clientarea.tpl into the newly created WHMCSROOT/modules/servers/freeradius folder
  • Copy freeradiusapi.php into the WHMCSROOT/include/api/ folder
FreeRADIUS servers
  • Create a folder anywhere with whatever name you like. For example, on Linux mkdir /opt/whmcs-freeradius

  • Copy cron.php and config.php.example into this folder

  • Rename config.php.example to config.php

  • Edit config.php as per your needs/requirements

  • Create a Cron task for the cron.php file. If your cron.php file is in /opt/whmcs-freeradius then your cron task shold look something like this, if you want it to run every 5 minutes:

    */5 * * * * PATH_TO_PHP/php -q /opt/whmcs-freeradius/cron.php
  • On Linux, you can find the PATH_TO_PHP by running which php