
Android Debug Bridge Tools For Android

Primary LanguagePython


Android Debug Bridge

Here is the ADBTools which was developed by aojie654 with following editions, for example of description:

  • The Operating System

  • Program Language

All the given editions are developed via the special OS and programming language edition.

PS: I was HIGHLY RECOMMANDED that you should read the README in programs if you want to use this tool.

WB : Windows Batch

  • Windows 10 Pro 1709 x86_64
  • Windows Batch

LP : Linux Python

  • Deepin 15.5 x86_64
  • Python 3.6.5 x86_64

MP : MacOS Python (But not a dirty word -_^, and it is in developing)

  • Macos X 10.14 Mojave
  • Python 3.6.5 (Anaconda3 x64)

PS. I think linux version is running well on macOS so this version is a copy of linux one.