
This application utilizes MySQL and Node to simulate an Amazon-like storefront and stores and outputs collected data to MySQL.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This application utilizes MySQL and Node to simulate an Amazon-like storefront. The app ranges from Customer level - where it takes in orders from customers and depletes stock from the store's inventory - to Supervisor level - where it tracks overhead costs across the store's departments and outputs a SQL Table in the terminal.

This application utilizes the following npm packages:

  • mysql (to access the MySQL database)
  • inquirer (to retrieve information from the user)
  • console.table (to log SQL tables to the console)

Note: run npm install to install the packages included in the json package

Customer View:

> node bamazonCustomer.js

  • During the purchasing process, the app accesses a MySQL Database called bamazon_db.

  • The database contains a products table which houses each product's:

    • item_id (Unique id for each product)
    • product_name (The name of the product)
    • department_name (The name of product's department)
    • price (The product's cost to customer)
    • stock_quantity (How many units of each product is available in stores)
    • product_sales (Each product's total revenue from each sale)
  • Upon running the command, the app first displays all of the items available for sale including the ID # for each item.

  • The app then prompts the customer with two messages:

    • The first asks the customer the ID # of the product the customer would like to buy.
    • The second message asks how many units of the product the customer would like to buy.
  • Once the customer has placed the order, the app checks if the store has enough of the product to meet the customer's request.

    • If not, the app informs the customer that there is insufficient quantity and prevents the order from going through.
    • However, if the store does have enough of the product, the customer's order is fulfilled.
  • The SQL database is immediately updated to reflect the remaining quantity of the product of the customer's purchase.

  • Once the update goes through, the app shows the customer the total cost of their purchase.

Manager View:

> node bamazonManager.js

  • Upon running the command, the app prompts the manager to select among four options:
    • View Products for Sale

      • The app lists every available item including the item IDs, names, prices, and quantities.
    • View Low Inventory

      • The app lists all items with an inventory count lower than 15.
    • Add to Inventory

      • This choice allows the manager add inventory to any item currently in the store.
    • Add New Product

      • This choice allows the manager to add a completely new product to the store.

NOTE: Upon running the app in Manager View, the application asks for a password. For test purposes, the password is "admin".

Supervisor View:

> node bamazonSupervisor.js

  • In Supervisor mode, the app accesses the departments table within the MySQL Database.

  • This table houses each product's:

    • department_id (Unique id for each department)
    • department_name (The name of the department)
    • over_head_costs (All costs for the department)
  • The products table in the database includes a product_sales column which is updated with each individual products total revenue from each sale.

  • So whenever a customer purchases anything from the store, the price of the product is multiplied by the quantity purchased added added to the product's product_sales column, and the updates are immediately reflected in the SQL database.

  • Upon running the command, the app prompts the supervisor to select between two options:

    • View Product Sales By Department

      • The app displays a summarized table of the SQL Database Data directly in the console.
      • Aside from the Department ID, Department Name and Overhead Costs, the table also includes a Total Sales column, which groups products sales by department, and a Total Profit column, which is calculates the difference between Overhead Costs and Product Sales.
    • Create New Department

      • This choice allows the supervisor to create a new department.

NOTE: Upon running the app in Supervisor View, the application asks for a password. For test purposes, the password is "admin".

> Click Below for Demo Video:

Bamazon Demo Video