CLTfree is an app for freelancers and those seeking freelancers for work in and around Charlotte, NC. Don't outsource your project to a different country or state, hire your neighbor instead.
Cam Burrows, Abby Olaleye, Tim Hayes
- Given the choice and at equal cost, most people prefer to spend their money within their community.
- With our app, a user can post a profile that contains his or her skillset, requested rate and contact information, or a user can post a job that will allow freelancers to respond to the job posting.
Our application utilizes:
- a Node and Express Web Server
- PASSPORT for account creation and user authentication
- SASS as a CSS preprocessor
- an MVC Paradigm folder structure
Our application also:
- is backed by a MySQL Database with a Sequelize ORM
- contains both GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data
- is deployed through Heroku