
With the help of MongoDB, this web app allows users to view and save the latest news articles from The New York Times.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This web application utilizes MongoDB, Node.js, and Cheerio to scrape the latest news articles from The New York Times and allows users to view and save each article.


  • Whenever a user visits NYT Hub, the user can click the "Get New Articles" button, and the app will scrape the latest stories from the New York Times and display them for the user.

    • Each scraped article is saved to the application database.
    • The app scrapes and displays the following information for each article:
      • Headline - the title of the article
      • Summary - a short summary of the article
      • URL - the url to the original article
  • Next to each article is a "Save Article" button for which the user can click to save the article for later viewing.

    • When the user clicks the "Saved Articles" button, the user will view all of the articles that have been saved.
  • Next to each saved article, there is a "Delete" button and an "Article Notes" button.

    • "Delete" will delete the article from the saved section.

NOTE: Whenever a user saves an article, the app ensures that the selected article isn't already represented the database before saving it so there are no duplicates.

This application utilizes the following npm packages:

  • express
  • express-handlebars
  • mongoose
  • body-parser
  • cheerio
  • request

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