
This app uses the Yummly API to search Yummly's recipe database and allows users to search and save dishes based on specified parameters.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What's for Dinner?

This app uses the Yummly API to search Yummly's recipe database and allows users to search and save dishes based on specified parameters.


Devin Dinapoli, Abby Olaleye, Andrew Knowles, Jeffrey Easley


  • Our app uses the Yummly API to search their recipe database.
  • Search options are by dish, desired ingredients, and/or ingredients to exclude.
  • Advanced search options include cuisine, diet, and cooking time.
  • After results are returned, there is an option to favorite recipes.
  • When the user favorites a recipe, a 'show favorites' button will appear.
  • The Google Maps API is used to provide the user with nearby grocery stores where they can purchase the indgredients for their dish.

Technical Components

  • Our app utilizes:

    • Firebase as the database to store user searches and favorites.
    • Two APIs (Yummly and Google Maps)
    • AJAX to pull data
    • User input validation
    • Materialize as the CSS framework and for mobile responsiveness
    • Github Pages for deployment

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What's for Dinner