
Personal NixOS and Home Manager configurations by ccornix

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

Ground Zero

A Nix flake of personal NixOS and Home Manager (HM) configurations.

NixOS configuration highlights:

  • Fully declarative configurations of multiple NixOS configurations of laptops and workstations
  • ZFS-based root file system with optional encryption and automatic partitioning and formatting provided by disko
  • Ephemeral dataset for / (through restoring a blank snapshot on boot) and opt-in persistence with help of the impermanence module
  • Mounted datasets nested under either local and safe parents, with only the latter group backed up (inspired by Graham Christensen)
  • Hosts in a private mesh network using Tailscale

Warning ⚠️

There may be some rough edges as Nix Flakes are still considered experimental.

This flake contains private system configurations; it is not guaranteed to work for anyone but myself, and may change swiftly and randomly without warning! For incomplete features and planned changes, check out the to-do list.

Feel free to grab some inspiration from this repo but do not use it as a dependency. "You don't want my crap, you want your own." (dasJ)



Tip: to boot ISO images from a USB key or external SSD, my preferred method is to use Ventoy.

  1. (Prerequisite) It is assumed that the NixOS configuration of the target machine has already been created in the flake. Otherwise,

    • Download the latest NixOS ISO image using

      wget -O nixos-x86_64-linux.iso https://channels.nixos.org/nixos-unstable/latest-nixos-minimal-x86_64-linux.iso

      write it onto some external medium and boot it.

    • Find out persistent virtual disk block device paths of the target machine in a live enviromnent by comparing lsblk and ls -l /dev/disk/by-id outputs.

    • Find out the MAC addresses of network interfaces using ip a.

    • Have a look at the output of nixos-generate-config --show-hardware-config --no-filesystems | less for recommended kernel modules and other settings.

    • Edit the config of the target machine accordingly.

  2. (Optional) Prepare a NixOS ISO image.

    • If you have access to a system where Nix is installed, it is preferred to build the ISO image for yourself as

      nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' build github:aolasz/groundzero#iso

      The resulting ISO image is then located at ./result/iso/nixos-x86_64-linux.iso. This way, you ensure that the Linux kernel, ZFS kernel module, file system tools etc. of the installer are identical to those of the installed system.

    • Use the following command to testrun the iso file if you can use nix:

      nix-shell -p qemu --run "qemu-system-x86_64 -m 2048 -vnc :0 -cdrom ./result/iso/nixos-x86_64-linux.iso"
    • Otherwise just use the latest minimal NixOS ISO image.

  3. Boot the NixOS ISO image on the target machine.

  4. Ensure that the machine has Internet access. To connect to a Wifi network, the custom ISO enables NetworkManager and the nmtui tool, while in case of the generic ISO image, the NixOS manual provides guidance on using wpa_supplicant and wpa_cli.

  5. (If generic ISO image is used) Enable experimental features of Nix and export the FLAKE0 environment variable to point to the online flake repo as

    export NIX_CONFIG='experimental-features = nix-command flakes'
    export FLAKE0=github:aolasz/groundzero
  6. Enter a host-specific installer devshell of this flake as follows

    nix develop $FLAKE0#<hostname>
  7. Run disko using a custom script. To destroy existing data on the target disks and (re-)create file systems, run

    my-disko --mode disko

    else to preserve existing file systems and mount them only, run

    my-disko --mode mount
  8. Install NixOS and reboot if successful as

    my-install && sudo reboot

That's all! 😎

Home Manager

Preparatory steps (on non-NixOS Linux systems only!)

  1. Set up nix.conf:

    mkdir -p $(dirname $NIXCONF)
    echo 'experimental-features = nix-command flakes' >> $NIXCONF
    echo 'commit-lockfile-summary = chore: update flake.lock' >> $NIXCONF

    The last nix.conf setting makes automatic lockfile commits follow the Conventional Commits specification.

  2. In addition, set the FLAKE0 environment variable as

    export FLAKE0=github:aolasz/groundzero
  3. Install Nix (it is expected that curl is available)

    a. If the user has sudo rights, perform the official installation procedure.

    b. For an entirely rootless installation, the most convenient method is to use nix-portable:

    mkdir -p ~/.local/bin && cd ~/.local/bin
    curl -o nix-portable -L https://github.com/DavHau/nix-portable/releases/latest/download/nix-portable-$(uname -m)
    chmod +x nix-portable

    Enter a Nix shell to proceed with HM setup:

    NP_RUNTIME=bwrap ./nix-portable nix shell nixpkgs#{bashInteractive,nix}

Home Manager setup

Run the following1 as the target user

nix run $FLAKE0#home-manager -- switch -b old --flake $FLAKE0

Rootless mode using nix-portable (on non-NixOS systems only!)

After setting up HM, the user's HM environment needs to be activated explicitly. It is useful to create a script for it:

echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' >> ~/.local/bin/hm-env
echo 'NP_RUNTIME=bwrap $HOME/.local/bin/nix-portable nix run nixpkgs#bashInteractive --offline' >> ~/.local/bin/hm-env
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/hm-env

With help of this script, the HM environment can be activate locally as


or over SSH as

ssh -t <address> .local/bin/hm-env

Note that in the HM config itself, $HOME/.nix-profile/bin must be prepended to the existing PATH variable so that all commands enabled in the HM config become accessible!

Rootless HM setup has been tested under Debian GNU/Linux 12.

TODO: Since .profile, .bash_profile, and .bashrc are all symlinks to into /nix/store (that is inaccessible right after login), is there any way to avoid that manual activation with user privileges only (without switching to a different shell (e.g. zsh) in the HM environment)?

Post-install tasks and development

  1. Generate SSH keys for the user of the fresh installation and register the public key where needed or rely on SSH agent forwarding (FIXME: not yet working with rootless HM environment, maybe because SSH_AUTH_SOCK is redefined in the inner HM shell).

  2. Since the HM configuration redefines the FLAKE0 variable to point to a directory inside the home directory of the user, ensure that this flake is cloned there:

    git clone git@github.com:aolasz/groundzero $FLAKE0
  3. Within the local repo directory, install a gitlint commit-msg hook to ensure that future commit messages adhere to the Conventional Commits specification:

    cd $FLAKE0
    gitlint install-hook
  4. (NixOS installation only) Set up Tailscale if included in the OS configuration:

    sudo tailscale up

    Visit the given URL to activate the host on the tailnet.


Below is a table of commands for common management tasks, where environment variable FLAKE0 can either be a reference to the online flake repo or a path to a local clone.

Operation Command (own alias)
Collect garbage2 [sudo] nix-collect-garbage [-d]
Switch to new OS config sudo nixos-rebuild {switch|boot} --flake $FLAKE0 (nr {switch|boot})
Switch to new home config home-manager switch --flake $FLAKE0 -b old (hm switch)
Check the config3 nix flake check
Format source files3 nix fmt
Update the lock file3 nix flake update --commit-lock-file

Additional information

On customizing Newt colors, see here.



If you get

error: filesystem error: cannot rename: Invalid cross-device link [...] [...]

during NixOS installation, then there is likely a different underlying error, which is unfortunately masked by this one. In such a case, try to build the system config first as

nix build .#nixosConfigurations.<hostname>.config.system.build.toplevel

which will then reveal the root cause for the error.

Mirrored multi-disk setups

Single-disk boot

If one is forced to do a single-disk boot (e.g. due to a failed second disk), it may happen that one is dropped into the UEFI shell because the default ESP is missing. In that case, available (mounted) additional spare ESPs are listed when entering the UEFI shell or can be listed using map -r. Additional mirrored (non-default) and mounted spare ESP file systems appear as FSn where n is an integer. Suppose our spare ESP file system is FS0. In this case, all you need to do is to change to that file system and find & launch the corresponding EFI executable of the OS (say, BOOTX64.EFI) as


If on subsequent reboots, the EFI shell keeps coming up, it is worth examining the boot order inside the EFI shell using

bcfg boot dump -s

and -- if necessary -- move some entries around specifying their actual number and the target number, e.g.

bcfg boot mv 02 04

Credits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_7gBLUa600


Some parts of this flake were inspired by the following flakes:

In addition, this flake stands on the shoulders of other flake-giants, explicitly referenced in the inputs attribute set of flake.nix.


  1. This flake exposes a frozen home-manager package (as dictated by flake.lock) so that the one performing the setup would be the same as the one used afterward.

  2. The -d option also removes GC roots such as old system and home configurations, making it impossible to roll back to previous configs. Executing a nixos-rebuild switch is needed to clean up boot menu entries.

  3. To be executed within the repo directory. 2 3