
Proxy web server used to transform Nightscout data to the LaMetric app

Primary LanguageTypeScript



This repository contains a backend server that is used to transform data from a Nightscout API to a format that a LaMetric app can read.


LaMetric App

App showcase
Current glucose Time in range
Glucose Target in range
Insulin on board Minutes since last value
Glucose Glucose
App settings

App Settings

ID Title Type Options
nightscoutUrl Nightscout URL Text field
token Nightscout Token Text field
enabledFrames Active views Multiple choices Glucose value, Elapsed mins, Glucose graph, IOB, Target in range
lowTarget Low glucose target (default 3.9/70) Text field
highTarget High glucose target (default 10/180) Text field
unit Unit Single choice mmol/L, mg/dL
hideTimeFrameWhenInRange Hide minutes when below 5 mins? Switch true/false
hideIobFrameWhenEmpty Show IOB only when not empty (0)? Switch true/false


docker pull ghcr.io/aolde/lametric-nightscout-proxy
docker run --rm --name lametric-nightscout-proxy \
    -p 3000:80 \
curl http://localhost:3000/


helm repo add aolde https://aolde.github.com/helm
helm install -f values.yaml lametric-nightscout-proxy aolde/lametric-nightscout-proxy

See more info in the helm chart.