
Documentation and automation for the Concourse project governance model.

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Concourse Governance

This document outlines a set of policies in order to provide a level playing field and open process for contributors to join the Concourse project.

In addition to this document, this repository contains live configuration for the state of the Concourse GitHub organization. All configuration is automatically applied via Terraform and synchronized daily to prevent drift.

Governance Model

Individual contributors to the Concourse project can become members of teams, each with a stated purpose, a clear set of responsibilities, and a list of repos that they maintain.

Teams collaborate through discussions on GitHub and propose changes through pull requests that may cross team boundaries.

Ideally, teams should be split along boundaries that enhance the focus given to different facets of the Concourse project. Repositories should typically belong to a single team in order to encourage advocacy for different facets through collaboration.

For example:

  • the core team has authority over the RFC process and associated design principles, but cannot directly push to the the Concourse repo.
  • the maintainers team has authority over the Concourse repo and submits RFCs to develop a roadmap that aligns with Concourse's core design principles.
  • the core team engages with the maintainers team to ensure new proposals do not introduce unnecessary risk or become a maintenance burden.
  • the maintainers team then guides the planning and implementation of the proposal through pull requests to the Concourse repo.

Teams may split off from larger teams as more of these boundaries are discovered. Careful attention should be paid to teams with too many responsibilities - there may be significant facets being neglected.

Individual Contributors

Individual contributors are listed under ./contributors. Pull requests will be reviewed by members of the community team. Feel free to submit one at any time!

Each ./contributors/*.yml file has the following fields:

  • name - the contributor's real name, or an alias if they would rather not share.
  • github - the contributor's GitHub login
  • discord - the contributor's Discord username + number, e.g. foo#123
  • admin - whether the contributor will be an admin of the organization.

Each contributor will be granted membership of the Concourse GitHub organization. This does not grant much on its own; repository access for example is determined through teams.

Note: the Discord attribute is not used at the moment, but it may be helpful in the future to have someplace that correlates these different identities.


Teams are listed under ./teams. Pull requests will be reviewed by the community team, who will further request reviews from all affected teams or individuals. (This can probably be automated at some point.)

Each ./teams/*.yml file has the following fields:

  • name - a name for the team, stylized in lowercase.
  • purpose - a brief description of the team's focus.
  • responsibilities - a list of the team's discrete responsibilities, or a link to where they can be found.
  • members - a list of contributors to add to the team, e.g. foo for ./contributors/foo.yml.
  • repos - a list of GitHub repositories for the team to be added to.

Each team must have a stated purpose summarizing its goals.

Each team is also responsible for maintaining a list of its responsibilities. (No need to list that one.) Doing so clarifies the scope of a team for newcomers and makes it easier to tell when a team is overloaded and could benefit from being divided or reorganized.

Each team lists its members which correspond to filenames under ./contributors (without the .yml).

Each team lists GitHub repositories for which the team will be granted the Maintain permission.

Each team is responsible for determining the best way for the team to operate, though it is strongly encouraged that each team work in the open, either on GitHub or somewhere easy to access, to the extent that doing so is beneficial to the team and to the community.

Decisions are reached through consensus among the team through a 66%+ supermajority unless stated otherwise through the team's own processes. (Implementation of said process would require a 66% supermajority.)

Teams currently do not require designated leaders, though there may be a reason to add this someday.

Joining a Team

To propose the addition of a team member (either yourself or on behalf of someone else), submit a PR that adds them as a contributor (if needed) and lists them as a member of the desired team.

There are no specific qualifications for joining a team - being accepted into a team is entirely subjective and the barrier to entry will vary from team to team. Applications with no prior context or trust to build upon will almost certainly be rejected.

Creating a new Team

New teams may be formed at any time by submitting a PR. A team with only one member is probably not a good sign, so try to recruit folks during this stage.

If a new team is being created to split off from a larger team, you will have to negotiate ownership of the relevant repos and ideally move them entirely to the new team. This will obviously require approval from the original team.


Repositories are listed under ./repos. Pull requests will be reviewed by the infrastructure team.

Each ./repos/*.yml file has the following fields:

  • name - a name for the repository.
  • description - a description for the repository.
  • topics - topics to set for the repository.
  • homepage_url - a website (if any) associated to the repository.
  • has_issues - whether the repository has Issues enabled (default false).
  • has_projects - whether the repository has Projects enabled (default false).
  • has_wiki - whether the repository has the Wiki enabled (default false).
  • pages - GitHub pages configuration:
    • branch - the branch to build.
    • path - the path to serve (default /).
    • cname - an optional CNAME to set for the website.

All repositories have vulnerability alerts enabled.

All repositories are configured to delete branches once their PR is merged.

All repositories will be archived upon deletion from this repo (instead of being deleted). Permanent deletion must be done manually by a member of the infrastructure team.

Amending the Governance Model

Frankly, I am more used to solving computer problems than human problems, so this process may be naive, it may feel too rigid, or it may feel completely ambiguous. Nothing here is set in stone. Please improve it as necessary and remove this disclaimer once we feel more confident. - @vito

Pull requests to this process (README.md) will be reviewed by the core team.

Enforcing the Governance Model

The configuration in this repository is applied automatically via Terraform.

In addition to the Terraform configuration, the state of the entire GitHub organization can be tested against the desired state via go test. This test suite will also detect any 'extra' configuration like untracked repositories, unknown teams, and extra repository collaborators.

Applying Changes

To apply these changes you must be an Owner of the Concourse GitHub organization.

Set the github_token var and run terraform apply:

$ terraform init # once
$ echo '{"github_token":"..."}' > .auto.tfvars.json
$ terraform apply

This token must have admin:org and repo scopes.

Testing Actual vs. Desired State

Tests are included which will verify that all permissions in the relevant services reflect the configuration in the repository.

Running the tests requires a $GITHUB_TOKEN to be set.

$ export GITHUB_TOKEN="$(jq -r .github_token .auto.tfvars.json)"
$ go test

Test failures must be addressed immediately as they may indicate abuse, though laziness or ignorance of this process is more likely.

GitHub Organization Settings

This governance model requires that organization members have extremely limited privileges. Unfortunately these can't currently be set by Terraform, so I'm documenting them here for good measure.

The following settings are required for any of this to make sense:

  • Base permissions must be "None" so that organization membership does not grant visibility of private repositories (if any exist) and repository access is determined exclusively through teams.
  • Repository creation and Pages creation must be disabled for both Public and Private so that all repository management shall be done through this repo.
  • Allow members to create teams must be disabled so that all team administration shall be done through this repo.

Additionally, repository admin permissions should be restricted. No team will ever be an 'admin' at the repo level, so this should never come up, but we can prevent further damage if someone does manage to escalate:

  • Allow members to change repository visibilities for this organization should be disabled.
  • Allow members to delete or transfer repositories for this organization should be disabled.
  • Allow members to delete issues for this organization should be disabled.

These settings probably won't have much impact:

  • Allow forking of private repositories should be disabled just to keep access tidy.
  • Allow users with read access to create discussions is confusingly under the 'Admin repository permissions' heading but sounds rather innocuous, so it can be left checked.

More settings may appear on the member privileges page at some point. Please update the above listing if/when this does occur.