
A TypeScript, React, React-Hooks, Redux-Toolkit, and Ant Design4 based application developed for the front-end of the iTravel eCommerce platform. Features include multi-language support with i18n, user signin/signout, private and public routes, adding products to the user's shopping cart, and order confirmation and payment. Hosted on Aliyun cloud.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


License: MIT

The front-end developed for an online eCommerce travel platform "iTravel". App built based on React and TypeScript.




  • create-react-app based on TS running environment
  • redux-toolkits/redux
  • react-router
  • Ant Design4
  • react functional components and react hooks
  • JSS and css modulized loading
  • internationalization with i18n
  • Docker images
  • Aliyun cloud for server hosting


  • Listing travel routes based on categories
  • Searching a specific travel route
  • Showing a trave route details
  • Enable user's registration and login / logout
  • Showing user's shopping cart once logged in
  • Enable order confirmation and order paymen
  • Multi-language supported


  • Download the app: clone or fork the repos
  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Start the app: npm start
  • Build the app: npm run build

Author @Qiugu He