
test travis with qt and gcc 17

Primary LanguageC++

Using travis with a Qt and C++ 17

travis build status

A sample repository demoing how to setup a Travis project that:

  • uses a gcc with support for C++ 17
  • uses an up to date version of Qt (Qt 5.11 at the time of writing)

Using current versions of Qt

For a simple Qt project you need two Ubuntu pakcages:

  • qtbase5-dev
  • libqt5widgets5

If you want a newer version of Qt, you can use one of beineri's PPAs. For a minimal project, you'll need to install two packages from the PPA:

  • qt511base
  • qt511tools

and you will have to re-configure the Qt5 environment by running the qt511-env.sh script.

On top of it, you will need mesa-common-dev a dependency that is somehow not pulled in by the Qt511 packages.

Of course, you will have to replace 511 with the versrion you choosed to use.

Using ninja

If you want to use ninja instead of make, your script section will become:

  - cmake -GNinja .
  - ninja


See also: