
Repository with the content for the Scribus website

Goal of the project

Rebrand Scribus with a new crisp, clean, easy to navigate website with access to the rich resources that have accumulated over the years of Scribus's existence.

The Scribus Website

  • Define the mission for the website.
  • Who is the website targetting and what will be he/she looking for.
  • What type of content that we want/can provide. (Screenshots, Features list, News, ...)

Goals of the website

Target Audiences

  • End-user
    • Publishers
      • Magazine
      • Poster
      • Brochures
      • Books
  • Content contributors
    • Tutorial contributors
    • Shareable typographic, graphics material resources released open source
    • Translators
  • Developers
    • Core hackers
    • GSOC canditates
    • 'Low hanging fruit' and minutae bugs/features

Content on the website

  • Gallery prominently (dynamic content with each on.load) dispialing successful Scribus projects and what Scribus is capable of
  • Documentation
    • Easy to contribute to (git repo fork/pull-request model)
  • Scribus Planet (RSS Agregator) (
  • Scribus Nation ?
  • Mailing List
  • Forums (IRC and Web)
  • Changelogs
  • Comparison between DTPs (
  • Screenshots
  • Feature lists
  • Milestone + Roadmap
  • Bounty system ? (
  • News

Other content on the site

In parallel to the website, other sites reside (or should be) on the Scribus site.

Currently there are:


  • We should get inspiration from the Inkscape, Blender and Gimp websites

  • Should the content be translated / translatable?

  • Connect the diverse Scribus communities out there

    • Social Media
      • Google+
      • Twitter
      • Reddit
    • By Country
      • Brasil
      • Canada
      • China
      • India
      • Italy
      • France
      • Germany
      • Czech Republic
      • Russia
      • UK
      • US
      • who else?
        (or rather by language?)
    • Other F/OSS efforts out there
  • As a reference, this is the mission for the Blender website:

    Blender is widely regarded as a mature and high quality tool. A surprisingly successful open source project that can compete with the best commercial 3D tools out there. This means our website message can change to reflect that. Instead of explaining how awesome Blender undoubtedly is we now should communicate more who’s actually using Blender and what they do with it.

    To summarize, the three key questions this site should answer and clearly communicate:

    • What is Blender, where can I get it and how to use it?
    • Who is making Blender and how can I get involved?
    • Who uses Blender, what do they do with it?