Libre Graphics for NGOs

This manual has been created with a one-day workshop on graphics in mind.


  • Add a two letter language code for each translated file, before the extension and prefixe by a dash (as in In
  • there is a .sla per language
  • the content is created in .md files that are manually imported into the .sla
  • the images are also manually inserted
  • each section has its own folder that contains, the text for the chapter in a .md file (each translation in one file), the images to be published both in web and print resolution (and eventually translated), the resources used to create the images (in a resource/ directory), a file with notes about the section and a list of changes and authors per language.
  • the section's folders are called by the english chapter title, a dash and the english section title. the title may be shortened.
  • images are called
    • web-name_of_the_image.png or
    • print-name_of_the_image.png depending on their size.
      if the image contains language dependent content, you will add:
    • web-name_of_the_image-fr.png
  • if you want to add text or vectors to an image, create an SVG and draw them in there.
    • bitmaps should be on layers named web and print
    • all language specific elements should go into a layer named after the language (fr, en, ...)


  • remove all typographic signs (’, «) and replace them in the sources with the normal ones.
  • remove the spaces before the :;... (they can be correctly readded when importing into scribus. or add them as non breaking space instead of normal spaces)