Draft for a tabulator manager

This proposal is not finished yet.

Proposal for a new tabulator manager:

  • that is easier to understand
  • improves the speed for defining tabulators at specific positions.

Current situation

  • While the "In-Frame" editing, the user can easily add tabulators by clicking in the ruler at the top of the window.
  • In the Text Properties, under Column & Text Distances, there is a tabulator manager that has its own small GUI. Based on some sort of ruler hich has no relationship with the width of the text in the document.
  • The same pseudo ruler is used in the style manager.

The user:

  • creates left aligned tabulators by clicking on the ruler and can then move them,
  • converts them to other types of tabulators by right clicking on them, and
  • can pull them out of the ruler to delete them.

In the tabulator manager and in the styles, the user can use the provided fields to move existing tabulators to a specific place.

Goals of this proposal

  • The visual creation of tabulators during the "In-Frame" editing is fine as is and does not need any change.
  • Both the tabulator manager and the style dialog should drop the visual creation of tabulator and use a widget that is easier to understand and is geared towards adding the tabulators at exact positions.


  • mkdir build && cd build
  • cmake ..
  • make
  • ./tabulators

Using .ui files

Dynamically adding widgets

Create a separate .ui with the line:

add the child .ui to the main one:

Add widgets to a QListWidget

Sorting a QListWidget?

We should subbclass QListWidgetItem and reimplement its < operator.