vkmark is an extensible Vulkan benchmarking suite with targeted, configurable scenes.
To build vkmark you need:
- the meson build system
- a C++14 compiler
- libvulkan and development files
- libglm development files (header only library)
- libassimp and development files
for the X11 backend:
- libxcb and development files
- libxcb-icccm and development files
for the wayland backend:
- libwayland-client and development files
for the KMS backend:
- libdrm and development files
- libgbm and development files
On a recent Debian/Ubuntu system you can get all the dependencies with:
$ sudo apt install meson libvulkan-dev libglm-dev libassimp-dev libxcb1-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libwayland-dev libdrm-dev libgbm-dev
vkmark uses the meson build system.
To configure vkmark use:
$ meson build
This will create a vkmark build configuration in the build directory.
To see/set the full list of available options use:
$ mesonconf [-Dopt=val] build
To build use:
$ ninja -C build
To install use:
$ [DESTDIR=...] ninja -C build install
After installing you can run vkmark with:
$ vkmark [options...]
You can run vkmark from the project directory without installing with:
$ build/src/vkmark --winsys-dir=build/src --data-dir=data [other-options...]
vkmark offers a suite of scenes that can be used to measure various aspects of
Vulkan performance. The way in which each scene is rendered is configurable
through a set of options. To list the available scenes and their acceptable
options you can use the -l, --list-scenes
command line option.
In vkmark, a benchmark is defined as a scene plus a set of option values. You
can specify the list and order of the benchmarks to run by using the -b, --benchmark
command line option (possibly multiple times). If no benchmarks
are specified, a default set of benchmarks is used. If a benchmark option is
not specified it assumes its default value (listed with -l, --list-scenes
As a special case, a benchmark description string is allowed to not contain a scene name (i.e. to start with ':'). In this case, any specified option values are used as the default values for benchmarks following this description string.
To run the default benchmarks:
$ vkmark
To run a benchmark using scene 'vertex' with a 'duration' of '5.0' seconds and 'interleave' set to 'false':
$ vkmark -b vertex:duration=5.0:interleave=false
To run a series of benchmarks use the -b, --benchmark
command line option multiple times:
$ vkmark -b vertex:duration=5.0 -b clear:color=1.0,0.5,0 -b cube
To set default option values for benchmarks:
$ vkmark -b :duration=2.0 -b vertex:interleave=true -b vertex:interleave=false -b :duration=5.0 -b cube
vkmark tries to automatically detect the most suitable window system to use. If
this fails, or you want to override the automatic detection mechanism, you can use
the --winsys
command-line option. For example, to force the XCB window system
$ vkmark --winsys xcb