##mediaRepository The mediaRepository is a server write in Go for upload file. I use this for learning Go.
This tool assumes you are working in a standard Go workspace, as described in http://golang.org/doc/code.html. We require Go 1.1 or newer to build this itself, but you can use it on any project that works with Go 1 or newer.
##GIT Config
. Please, use rebase for pull and merge.
$ git pull -rebase origin master
. When you finish some feature, put, in commit message, ISSUE NUMBER associate with it.
###Configuring GOPATH
In your bash, export environment variable to define GOPATH. This path will be the local whre Go put all libs, bin, etc.
###Install godeps
$go get github.com/tools/godep
###Creating symbol
Create a symbol link in $GOPATH/src for your project.
$ cd $GOPATH/src
$ mkdir -p github.com
$ cd github.com
$ ln -s $HOME/Project/mediaRepository mediaRepository
Go to your project dir, and running godeps to instal all dependencies
$godeps restore
When it's finished:
$go test ./...
All steps showed above, you can do calling:
$ make setup
In your root project dir, run this command:
$go build webserver/server.go
This will create runable file called server. To run:
$ ./server --config config.yml
Voilá, your serving is up and runing
$ Server Software:
$ Server Hostname: localhost
$ Server Port: 4321
$ Document Path: /upload
$ Document Length: 7 bytes
$ Concurrency Level: 450
$ Time taken for tests: 31.300 seconds
$ Complete requests: 50000
$ Failed requests: 0
$ Write errors: 0
$ Total transferred: 7100000 bytes
$ Total body sent: 1265100000
$ HTML transferred: 350000 bytes
$ Requests per second: 1597.47 [#/sec] (mean)
$ Time per request: 281.696 [ms] (mean)
$ Time per request: 0.626 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
$ Transfer rate: 221.52 [Kbytes/sec] received
$ 39471.80 kb/s sent
$ 39693.33 kb/s total
$ Connection Times (ms)
$ min mean[+/-sd] median max
$ Connect: 0 103 446.2 0 7016
$ Processing: 1 173 175.4 142 3321
$ Waiting: 1 172 175.0 141 3321
$ Total: 1 277 479.2 150 7430