
Ansible module to add or remove services to Percona Monitoring and Management 2 (PMM2).

Primary LanguagePython


An Ansible module to add or remove services in Percona Monitoring and Management 2.


ansible-galaxy collection install aorfanos.pmm_admin


  • pmm-admin executable and in $PATH on the host that will be executing the task


Parameter Required Choices/Defaults Comments
cluster False None Cluster name for the service
database True Choices:
  • mysql
  • proxysql
  • mongodb
  • postgresql
Database type
environment False None Service environment (e.g. staging)
state True Choices:
  • present (default)
  • absent
hostname False IP or FQDN for the monitored host Is required to add a service, not required for removing it
username False None
password False None
metrics_mode False Choices:
  • push (default)
  • pull
Metrics mode as mentioned in documentation.
port False None
service_name True None Name to use for the monitoring service


- name: Add a MySQL service to PMM2
        database: "mysql"
        username: "VAULTME"
        password: "VAULTME"
        hostname: "mysql-001.mydomain.com"
        service_name: "mysql-001"
        environment: staging
        cluster: staging-cluster
        port: 3306
        metrics_mode: push
        state: present

- name: Add a ProxySQL service to PMM2
        database: "proxysql"
        username: "VAULTME"
        password: "VAULTME"
        hostname: "proxysql-001.mydomain.com"
        service_name: "proxysql-001"
        environment: production
        cluster: main-cluster
        port: 6032
        metrics_mode: pull
        state: present

- name: remove a PMM service
        database: "proxysql"
        service_name: "proxysql-001"
        state: absent